
  • 网络Unit energy consumption;specific energy consumption
  1. 并通过实测的轧制压力、扭矩、速差、纯轧时间、电机功率示波图经加工分析绘制了单位能耗曲线。

    By analyzing the measured oscillograms of rolling pressure , torque , speeddifference , time in rolls and motor power , the specific energy consumption curves were obtained .

  2. 分别研究了单一添加剂以及复合添加剂对电解锰电流效率、单位能耗、金属锰形貌和纯度的影响。

    The effects of additives on current efficiency , specific energy consumption , manganese metal morphology and purity were studied . The results showed that trace zinc-sulfite compound additive is the best additive for the prosess of electrolyze manganese .

  3. 空气循环膨胀制冷的液体空分流程采用LNG冷量代替了空气外循环制冷,简化了制冷系统,与原始流程相比,液态产品的单位能耗降低约49%;

    Instead of air and nitrogen expanding refrigeration unit , LNG cold energy was used respectively to pre-cool the material air and cycle nitrogen in the two systems .

  4. 半工业规模试验表明:杨木爆破法浆比化学药品用量相同的CMP强度要好,单位能耗低。

    Semi-industrial results show that aspen explosion pulps offer superior paper properties and lower specific energy compared to conventional CMP pulps when prepared with the same chemical charge during cooking .

  5. 通过分析,本文认为FDI对四川省经济增长的促进作用是多方面的,其中,最主要的是通过有效降低单位能耗、提高技术水平、促进出口增长这几个方面来实现的。

    I believe that foreign direct investment affect regional economic growth from many ways , but the most important thing is to effectively reduce unit energy consumption , improve the regional level of industrial technology , and promote export growth these three aspects .

  6. 采用矿岩粉碎颗粒分布符合G-S分布的现象,修正利用自相似原理推导出的与粉碎颗粒表面分维数相关的单位能耗公式。

    Considering the grain distribution of fragmented ore conforms with the G-S distribution , the paper corrects the consumed formulas of unit energy deducted with the self-analogical principle , and the relevance with the fractile dimension of fragmented surface .

  7. 我国现有建筑的单位能耗非常高。

    Unit energy consumption of existing buildings is very high .

  8. 我国汽车运输单位能耗综合分析模型

    Comprehensive Analysis Model of Unit Fuel Consumption in Motor Transport

  9. 以极小化单位能耗为目标优化刨削深度

    Optimization for cutting depth with minimum unit energy

  10. 虽然消耗的功率峰值较大,但混炼时间短,生产效率高,单位能耗低;高强混凝土的配制与基本性能

    The performance and mixing of high-strength concrete

  11. 研究了温度、压力对单位能耗的影响,并对装置的工艺参数进行了优化。

    Influences of temperature and pressure on energy consumption are studied and the process parameters are optimized .

  12. 随着速度加快,步频加快,步幅加大,单位能耗增加。

    Along with quickening speed , walking frequency and length was improved , unit energy expenditure increased accordingly .

  13. 提高运行温度,有利于提高产水率及单位能耗产水率;

    It 's favorite to increase operating temperature for improving freshwater yield and freshwater yield per unit energy consumption .

  14. 随着气流速度的提高,刨花平均干燥速率增大,单位能耗逐渐降低。

    The average drying rate of wood particle increased with the increasing of airflow temperature , while unit consumption decreased gradually .

  15. 汽车运输单位能耗是表征汽车运输行业能耗水平最重要的综合性标志。

    The unit fuel consumption is the most important indicator for comprehensively assessing fuel consumption level of a motor transport industry .

  16. 随着刨花初含水率的升高,刨花平均干燥速率加大,单位能耗增加。

    With the raising of initial moisture content of wood particle , the average drying rate of particle and unit consumption increased .

  17. 研究表明:随着气流温度的升高,刨花平均干燥速率增大,单位能耗也相应增加;

    It is shown that the airflow temperature and the air velocity are important factors on changing average drying rate of wood particles .

  18. 与气候条件相近的发达国家相比,我国建筑物单位能耗是其2-5倍,因此建筑节能潜力巨大。

    Developed countries with similar climatic conditions compared to energy consumption of buildings is its 2-5 times , so building energy efficiency potential .

  19. 理论计算和实验结果表明,采用这种方法可提高单位能耗去除湿空气中的水分量(或节能)20%~100%。

    Theoretical calculation and experiment results indicated that the method could increase 20 % ~ 100 % moisture removal at an unit energy consume .

  20. 随着铁路大规模建设的展开,作为单位能耗小、污染少的铁路运输,正面临着发展的黄金机遇期。

    Along with the large-scale railway construction , the rail transportation consuming small unit energy and having less pollution is facing a golden opportunity .

  21. 能源使用效率反映的是单位能耗产出的效率。

    The out-put per unit energy reflects energy use efficiency , whose change can be decomposed by production effect , sectoral effect and efficiency effect .

  22. 研究结果表明,以热量平衡法为计算基准的蒸馏单位能耗与总拔出率的线性关联性较差;

    The results showed that , the correlativity of the total unit energy consumption with the total yield of crude distillation is poor based on heat balance method .

  23. 要从各个方面同时入手,才能把降低单位能耗这一项重要的工作做好。

    In order to reduce the unit energy consumption , we should not ignore any aspects of energy consumption , including hot water , water supply and drainage systems .

  24. 由于技术落后,管理失败,中国制造的单位能耗要比发达国家如日本,美国高出很多。

    Due to backward technology , management failure , the unit energy consumption in China than in developed countries such as Japan , the United States is much higher .

  25. 产品质量低、结构布局不合理、单位能耗较高、污染比较严重、自主创新能力较弱等问题依然存在。

    There are still low product quality , irrational structure and layout , higher energy consumption per unit , high pollution and weak innovation in our iron and steel industry .

  26. 随着器件集成化程度的提高,微电子器件出现了一系列新的问题,例如器件进入纳米尺度及由单位能耗上升引起的热损耗等。

    As the degree of integration increases , the device size enters into nanoscale , in which the energy consumption per unit area rises rapidly and results in serious heat injury problems .

  27. 结果表明:干燥相同质量的鲜银耳,微波真空干燥相对热风干燥,可缩短约98%的干燥时间和降低约45%的单位能耗。

    It was indicated that MVD could shorten about 98 % of drying time and reduce about 45 % of unit energy consumption than AD when white fungus of the same weight was dried .

  28. 主要对两种太阳能热发电的用材、生产和运输3个阶段进行分析,分别计算了3个阶段的单位能耗和环境影响,并对两个系统的分析结果进行比较。

    Three stages such as raw materials extraction , production and materials transportation were analyzed , energy consumption and environment impact in each stage were calculated , and the results were compared as well .

  29. 数据库设计符合国家有关规定的相关要求,除了直接采用其规定的四类数据库表(标准数据库表)之外,又增加了单位能耗管理类和系统开发辅助类两类数据库表。

    In addition to the direct adoption of the four database tables ( standard database ), we also add two types of database tables including unit energy consumption management table and system development assisted table .

  30. 而含水率较高的食品如芦笋单位能耗高达373kwh/t,按平均0.72元,度计,电费268.56元,吨。

    However , the unit of energy consumption is up to 373kwh / t of high watery food such as asparagus , the electricity cost will be 268.56 yuan / ton if accounted by 0.72yuan/kilowatt-hour averagely .