
dān guǐ
  • monorail;single track;narrow track
单轨 [dān guǐ]
  • (1) [single track]

  • (2) 单线的铁道或电车道

  • 单轨电车

  • (3) 比喻只通过一个系统实施管理的制度,与双轨相对

  • 变价格双轨制为单轨制

  • (4) [narrow track]∶只容得下一辆车通行的狭窄道路

单轨[dān guǐ]
  1. 跨座式单轨交通PC轨道梁车桥耦合振动分析

    Vehicle-Bridge Coupling Vibration Analysis of PC Rail Beam of Straddle-Type Monorail Transportation

  2. 本文主要对重庆单轨交通PC轨道梁的预应力体系耐久性进行研究。

    This paper mainly studies the prestressing systems durability of PC track beam in Chongqing monorail transportation system .

  3. 一条乡间的单轨铁路从山谷间曲折地穿过。

    A rural single railway track meanders through the valley

  4. 跨座式城市单轨交通PC轨道梁工法研究

    The Design of PC Track Beam for Over-seat Single-Track Transit Systems

  5. 重庆轻轨跨座式单轨PC轨道梁架梁设备及应用技术

    Equipment and technology for erection of straddle type single track PC beam

  6. 跨座式单轨PC轨道梁运架设备设计研究

    Research on Design of Carrying and Installing Equipments for Gantry-Type of PC Single-Railed Beam

  7. 跨座式单轨PC(预应力混凝土)轨道梁桥结构具有承重、导向及稳定的作用。

    Straddle type single track beam of Press Steel Concrete ( PC ) possess the action of bearing , orienting and stabilizing .

  8. 重庆单轨三号线信号系统ATP设备故障时的系统动作及应对方案

    System Motion and Response Scheme of Signal System ATP Equipment Failure of Chongqing Monorail Line No.3

  9. 介绍了跨座式单轨PC轨道梁架设设备的结构、性能及应用技术。

    An introduction is given to structure , performance , and applied technology of equipment for erection of straddle type single track PC beam .

  10. 中国石油ERP系统建设和实施已全面铺开,2010年10月青海油田公司实现了ERP系统单轨上线。

    China petroleum ERP system construction and implementation , already rolled out in October 2010 Qinghai oilfield companies to achieve ERP system monorail on-line .

  11. TD型单轨车体运输专用车

    TD Type Monorail Car-body Special Transport Car

  12. 因此,开展跨座式单轨交通PC轨道梁面裂纹缺陷检测技术的研究,设计有效的检测设备和自动检测算法是当前亟待解决的热点、难点问题。

    So the crack detection of Straddle Monorail traffic beam surface should be researched . Design efficient equipment and automatic analysis algorithms are the focus and difficulty problems .

  13. 兰州石化公司是中国石油炼化ERP系统建设的第一家试点单位,也是第一家成功单轨上线的项目单位。

    Lanzhou petrochemical company is China National Petrolem Corporation refining ERP system construction of the first pilot units , is also the first successful monorail project units online .

  14. 该设备基于在单轨PC轨道梁上行走作业的思想,采用了横向自动调平、模糊控制、电控液压驱动、分布式计算机网络控制等多项先进技术。

    Based on traveling on the PC single-railed beam , these equipments have been equipped with some advanced technologies such as automatic level adjustment horizontally , fuzzy control , electronic-hydraulic driving and distributed network control by computers .

  15. 利用ADAMS与MATLAB协同平台,阐述了基于单轨正交模型的主动悬浮与导向LQG控制器设计方法。

    With the collaborative platform based on ADAMS and MATLAB , the design methodology of LQG controllers is described for the single-rail orthogonal model to be levitated and guided automatically .

  16. 单轨列车运行仿真系统通过运用OpenGL技术实时模拟出列车与铁道轨道周围的景物以及列车在行进中的自身的状态。

    By making use of the OpenGL system , the monorail imitates simultaneously the surrounding scene ( that accompanies the train and the rail ,) and also in what state the train is while operating .

  17. 摘要:在跨座式单轨交通系统中,作为车辆导向和承载结构的PC轨道梁(预应力钢筋混凝土轨道梁),在运营过程中可能遭遇突发状况而损坏,导致单轨交通线路中断运营。

    As the vehicle guiding and load bearing structure in monorail transit system , PC track beams ( prestressed concrete track beam ) may get damaged in the case of emergency situations during operation , resulting to interrupted operation of the monorail transit system .

  18. 跨座式单轨交通系统是日本和欧美等发达国家在20世纪60年代提出的一种先导城市交通形式,但在PC轨道梁铸钢支座锚固螺杆健康在线监测方面的技术开发却至今未见大量报道。

    As one of forerunner urban traffic systems , straddle-type monorail traffic system was presented in Japanese and the occident in 1960s . But publications about technical development on monitoring on-line the health of anchor screws in the cast steel pedestal for prestressed concrete track girder can not be found .

  19. 本文在对跨座式单轨交通PC轨道梁线形及受力特点进行分析的基础上,结合单轨交通轨道梁应急抢修工作的特点,对跨座式单轨交通应急轨道梁进行了选型研究。

    In this paper , based on the analysis of alignment and load bearing characteristics for PC track beams on the monorail transit , and also considering the characteristics of emergency repair work for PC track beams , the lectotype of emergency track beam for monorail transit is properly selected .

  20. OLM用于高架起重机,铁路和拖车车辆,单轨列车,航天飞机,升降机及其他车辆的高速,高精密精确定位。

    The OLM is used for high-speed , high-precision positioning of overhead cranes , rail and transfer cars , monorails , shuttles , elevators and other vehicles .

  21. 本文对在地铁和城市轻轨的直流牵引区段站内采用单轨条回流方式的50Hz相敏轨道电路现场测试和调整进行了介绍,为其应用提供了参考。

    This article introduces the site test and adjustment of 50 Hz phase sensitive track circuit , which adopts single rail for returning circuit in stations of DC traction section of metro and urban light rail , and provides references for its application .

  22. 基于四相单轨协议,建立了同步异步读写转换接口的信号转换图,采用单元电路和petrify综合方法设计实现了异步握手接口电路。

    Local modules can be encapsulated as nodes of GALS system by the way of handshake protocol circuit based on four-phase single-track protocol . STG ( Signal Transition Graph ) of synchronous to asynchronous read-write conversion interface has been established through the method of Petri net .

  23. 锚杆支护巷道单轨吊悬吊技术及应用

    Overhead monorail suspending technology in mine bolt supported roadway and application

  24. 高架单轨旅游列车计算机辅助造型设计

    Study of industrial design & CAD for overhead monorail tourism train

  25. 单轨行车新型供电方式及相关技术分析

    Novel Power Supply Method and Technology Analysis for Electrified Monorail System

  26. 电动单轨吊车在工作面巷道中的应用

    Application of Electric Monorail Crane to Gateway of Coal Mining Face

  27. 城市跨座式单轨交通运营管理研究

    Research on the Operation Management of the Urban Cross-saddle Single-track Traffic

  28. 只有单轨铁路,周围都是荒原。

    There was just a single line and moors all around .

  29. 金属矿山单轨运输区运输监控系统的设计

    Design of Transport Monitor System in Metal Mine Single Track Transportation

  30. 分析了单轨交通跨座型车辆和悬挂型车辆的特点;

    Characteristics of Alweg and Fafegevehicles for monorail transit are analyzed .