
  • 网络SISO;SISOS;siso system
  1. 单输入单输出系统极点配置控制器的参数化与设计

    Parameterization of SISO System Pole Assignment Controllers

  2. 研究了线性单输入单输出系统在线辨识的递推算法。

    This paper investigated the recursive algorithm of online identification for the linear SISO system .

  3. 相比单输入单输出系统(SISO),在同样的性能约束下,MIMO能够节省能量消耗,提高通信质量。

    Compared with single-input single-output ( SISO ) system , MIMO system can save much more energy under the same performance constraint .

  4. 在漆包机烘炉温度控制系统中采用模糊PID结合前馈补偿算法的模糊解耦控制算法,把多输入多输出的漆包机烘炉改变成为多个单输入单输出系统。

    The enameling machine oven temperature control system using fuzzy PID combined with feed-forward compensation algorithm , transferred multi input and multi output into a number of single input single output system .

  5. 以一个典型的单输入单输出系统为例,探讨采用多谐差相信号进行系统参数辨识的步骤,并且着重介绍了用MATLAB编程的具体实现,给出了参数辨识结果。

    How to create SPHS and the features of SPHS are discussed . Taking an example , the authors tell us how to identify parameters of a system and how to realize by MATLAB .

  6. 无线MIMO技术是移动通信领域智能天线技术的重大突破,相比单输入单输出系统,该技术在不增加带宽的情况下极大地提高了通信系统的容量和频谱利用率。

    MIMO is a major breakthrough in smart antenna technology of wireless communications , compared to the single-input single-output system , it can greatly improve the communication system capacity and spectrum efficiency without increasing the bandwidth .

  7. 结合实例介绍了使用MATLAB软件中的控制系统工具箱所提供的线性时不变系统观测器(LTIViewer)和单输入单输出系统设计工具(SISODesignTool)对控制系统进行分析和设计的有关功能和方法。

    The relevant functions and methods that the control system is analysed and designed by using linear time invariant ( LTI ) viewer and single input single output system ( SISO ) design tool of control system toolbox of MATLAB software are introduced in the light of instance .

  8. 最后给出了单输入单输出系统下决策单元为DEA有效(C~2GS~2)的充要条件及最优解唯一的条件。

    In addition , the necessary and sufficient condition that a decision . making unit ( DMU ) is DEA efficient ( C2GS2 ) and the condition that optimal solution to DEA model ( C2GS2 ) is unique are presented under single input and single output system .

  9. 从单输入单输出系统的CARMA模型出发,推导出以四轮汽车道路模拟试验台为被控系统的控制模型,并对控制量的求解进行了分析。

    Based on the CARMA model of single input and single output system , a control model of automotive road simulated test in the field of time is deduced and the solution of control data is analyzed .

  10. 单输入单输出系统的同时稳定:多项式方法

    Simultaneous stabilization of SISO plants : a polynomial approach

  11. 对多输入多输出系统进行动态扩展,得到单输入单输出系统。

    Multi-input multi-output system was dynamic Spread , and singular-input singular-output system was obtained .

  12. 单输入单输出系统模型的自适应控制

    Self-Adaptation Control of Single-Input Single-Output System Model

  13. 将影响成形精度的诸多因素看作系统扰动,成形过程简化为离散的单输入单输出系统,得到其非参数模型。

    The forming process is simplified to a discrete single input single output system and described by a non-parametric model .

  14. 文中主要针对单输入单输出系统进行讨论,并以发电机励磁控制系统为例,给出应用实例。

    As an applying example in the SISO system , the method is used to design a nonlinear excitation controller of the generator .

  15. 针对存在的耦合设计了理想解耦控制器,解耦后的系统可以看作是两个独立的单输入单输出系统。

    The ideal decoupling controller is designed for mechanical coupling , so that the system decoupled can be treated as two independent single input single output systems .

  16. 将多变量系统作为多个单输入单输出系统的组合,从而对每个单输入单输出子系统进行独立控制。

    The multiple variable system is considered as the combination of many single input and single output system so that each single input and single output system can be controled independent .

  17. 本文对单输入单输出系统在控制器与对象均以常数加权加性模式摄动的情况下,对控制器与对象摄动界之间的相互关系进行了研究。

    In this paper , for SISO system , the correlation between the perturbation bound of controller and the perturbation bound of plant is studied under both controller and plant additive perturbations without weighting functions .

  18. 首先在单输入单输出系统模型辨识原理的基础上提出交直流混合输电系统降阶模型的辨识方法;

    At first , based on the principle for the identification of single input single output system model , an identification method for reduced order model of AC / DC hybrid transmission system is presented ;

  19. 深入研究了单输入单输出系统的线性均衡器和非线性判决反馈均衡器,分析比较了基于峰值失真准则和最小均方误差准则均衡器的均衡性能和影响其性能的若干因素。

    Deep research on linear equalizer and decision feedback equalizer in Single-Input-Single-Output system . Analyzing of equalizer performance based on ZF and MSE criteria and some factors which influence the performance are also given in this paper . 3 .

  20. 利用函数与其导数的方块脉冲展开式系数之间的近似公式,给出了一种动态系统辨识的方法,并证明了将该方法应用于单输入单输出系统时的精度及收敛性。

    A method of dynamic systems identification is presented by using block pulse functions of a function and its derivative . The accuracy and convergence are proved when this method is used in a single input and single output systems .

  21. 通过对信号流图和梅森公式的分析,提出了一种新的单输入单输出系统结构图求传递函数的计算机求解算法,完成了相关公式的推导和传递函数的离散化处理等工作。

    Through exploring the signal flow chart and Mason equation , this paper proposes a new computer solution about how to get the transfer function of SISO control system by block diagram and accomplishes the deduction of the formula and the discretization of the transfer function and so on .

  22. 首先研究单输入单输出SISO-OFDM系统中的未知信息数据对训练序列的干扰抑制算法,研究了基于一阶统计量的信道估计算法,该算法具有计算复杂度低的特点。

    Based on the first-order statistics , the algorithm to suppress the interference for SISO ( single-input single-output ) - OFDM channel estimation is studied , which has low computational complexity .

  23. 单输入单输出切换系统的一致标准形及可镇定性

    Uniform Normal form and Stabilizability of Single-input Single-output Switched Systems

  24. 单输入单输出控制系统

    Single input single output control system ; SISO control system

  25. 单输入单输出线性系统的自适应控制器的设计

    Adaptive controller design for single-input , single-output linear systems

  26. 在假设系统状态不可测的条件下针对一类单输入单输出非线性系统提出了直接模糊自适应滑模控制方案。

    A direct fuzzy adaptive sliding control is proposed for nonlinear SISO systems whose states are not available .

  27. 通过小偏差线性化的方法,将该非线性系统简化成单输入单输出线性系统。

    Through small deviation linearization , the nonlinear system was simplified into a single input / output system .

  28. 测量中单输入单输出线性系统动态数学模型定阶方法的仿真研究

    Simulative study on various order determination methods of single input single output linear system dynamic mathematical model in measurement

  29. 对于单输入-单输出系统,它的零点取决于系统的输出函数。

    For single input single output linear system , its zeros were determined by the output function of system .

  30. 文中给出了单输入单输出离散系统以泰勒展开为基础的数学模型的自校正预报的隐式算法。

    An implicit algorithm based on update of interface was proposed to monitor the flow front in the injection molding .