
  • 网络reeves;reeve;Matt Reeves
  1. 她一直关注着里夫斯家族的兴衰。

    She kept up with the fortunes of the Reeves family

  2. 据NPR新闻的菲利普·里夫斯报道,这些妇女终于得到了政府的道歉。

    NPR 's Philip Reeves reports they have finally received a government apology .

  3. NPR新闻,菲利普·里夫斯加沙报道。

    Philip Reeves , NPR News , Gaza .

  4. NPR新闻,菲利普·里夫斯伦敦报道。

    Philip Reeves NPR News , London .

  5. 据NPR新闻的菲利普·里夫斯报道,加沙地区的巴勒斯坦人正在庆祝持续七周战争的结束,但是他们的情感很复杂。

    NPR 's Philip Reeves says the Palestinians of Gaza are greeting the end of the 7 - week war with mixed emotions .

  6. 里夫斯:尼尔内是温斯顿•丘吉尔设立的一个叫做特别行动执行小组简称SOE组织中屈指可数的几位女特工之一。

    REEVES : Nearne was one of only a few dozen women spies in an organization set up by Winston Churchill , called the Special Operations Executive or SOE .

  7. 《蝙蝠侠大战超人》和《正义联盟》相继落败后,华纳兄弟公司希望最新版的DC蝙蝠侠电影能够获得成功,因此华纳给了里夫斯大量时间来打磨剧本。

    Warner Bros. , in giving Reeves plenty of time to develop the script , is hoping the latest iteration of the DC icon is done right , following the disappointments of " Batman v Superman " and " Justice League . "

  8. 坎特伯雷新任大主教就任仪式在英国举行,坎特伯雷大主教是圣公会的精神领袖,据NPR新闻的菲利普·里夫斯报道,大主教在坎特伯雷大教堂举行了正式的宣誓就职仪式。

    The enthronement has taken place in Britain of the new archbishop of Canterbury , spiritual head of the Anglicans , NPR 's Philip Reeves says the archbishop was formally sworn in at a ceremony at Canterbury Cathedral .

  9. 最后,梅里克向警察出示了特里夫斯医生的名片。

    At last , Merrick showed them Dr Treves " card .

  10. 特里夫斯的关照让梅里克迎来了真正的人生转折点。

    Treves " care marked a real turning point for Merrick .

  11. 特里夫斯对梅里克遭受的待遇感到反感,于是希望提供帮助。

    Disgusted by Merrick 's treatment , Treves wanted to help .

  12. 在此期间,特里夫斯医生称梅里克发生了巨大变化。

    Throughout this time Dr Treves reported that Merrick changed dramatically .

  13. 里夫斯:几对对风笛手在她的棺材前行进着。

    REEVES : A couple of pipers march ahead of the coffin .

  14. 里夫斯:尼尔内在法国长大,因而她能说一口流利的法语。

    REEVES : Nearne was raised in France and spoke fluent French .

  15. 里夫斯:该天主教牧师和教父乔纳森•夏多克主持了这场葬礼。

    REEVES : Catholic priest , Father Jonathan Shaddock is officiating at the funeral .

  16. 正是在伦敦的一次串演中,梅里克遇到了弗雷德里克·特里夫斯医生。

    It was during a sideshow in London that Merrick met Doctor Frederick Treves .

  17. 里夫斯:尼尔内进驻的是巴黎的一个安全藏身处,但她最终还是被捕了。

    REEVES : Nearne went to a safe house in Paris but was eventually captured .

  18. 警察派人找到了特里夫斯。

    The police sent someone to get him , and Treves rushed to the police station .

  19. 里夫斯还在继续润色剧本的最终版本,但已经选定帕丁森来饰演蝙蝠侠。

    Pattinson was cast even as Reeves continues to polish a final version of the script .

  20. 但里夫斯女士却为该礼物进行了辩解,称农场经营是她的谋生之道和生活方式。

    Ms Rivers defended the gift , saying farming is her livelihood and way of life .

  21. 跟往常一样,他不照顾自己的邻居&里夫斯大楼的理发馆,总觉得不够义气。

    As always , he felt disloyal at deserting his neighbor , the Reeves building barber shop .

  22. 特里夫斯医生发现,梅里克实际上非常聪明,于是开始培养他,让他更好地成长。

    Dr Treves discovered that Merrick was in fact highly intelligent and sought to nurture his growth .

  23. 然后,特里夫斯立即赶到了警察局,并把梅里克带回了伦敦医院。后来,特里夫斯开始在报纸上筹措资金来帮助梅里克。

    He took Merrick back to London hospital and began a newspaper appeal for funds to help Merrick .

  24. 里夫斯:在场的数以百计的人最后决定尼尔内不能众人所遗忘。

    REEVES : In the end , hundreds of people turned up , determined Nearne won 't be forgotten .

  25. 里夫斯将和他的《猩球》合作伙伴迪伦·克拉克一起制作《蝙蝠侠》。

    Reeves will produce " The Batman " with his " Planet of the Apes " collaborator Dylan Clark .

  26. 里夫斯在这,我几年前在一个书展上认识他,他是做立体书的。

    Rives is here , and I met him years ago at a book fair ; he does pop-up books .

  27. 导演里夫斯在视觉的细节方面非常敏感,也擅长表现角色之间不用口头语言进行的长篇大论,通过数码手段和其他方式去强化它们。

    Mr. Reeves has a fine sense of visual detail and also of the eloquence of nonverbal exchanges between characters , digitally enhanced and otherwise .

  28. 因此,特里夫斯医生询问一位迷人的寡妇是否可以进入梅里克的房间,对他微笑,并跟他握手。

    So Dr Treves asked an attractive widow he knew if she could come into Merrick 's room , smile at him and shake his hand .

  29. 但当她的女儿出生以后,里夫斯找回了她动听的歌声&不管唱得多差,对于你爱的人那就是最美丽的歌声。

    But when her daughter was born , Reeves rediscovered her voice and the beauty of singing – no matter how badly – to a loved one .

  30. 有消息人士告诉《综艺》杂志说,帕丁森将会在马特·里夫斯导演的下一部超级英雄电影中饰演蝙蝠侠,该片将于2021年6月25日上映。

    Sources tell Variety that Robert Pattinson will play " The Batman " in Matt Reeves ' forthcoming superhero film , which hits theaters June 25 , 2021 .