
shì yònɡ jì shù
  • Applicable technology;appropriate technology
  1. “健康适用技术组织”(英文简称为PATH)将在乌干达开展相关调查研究工作。

    PATH ( formerly Program for Appropriate Technology in Health ), an international nonprofit organization devoted to improving global health , will conduct studies in Uganda .

  2. 农村可再生能源适用技术的经济性分析

    Economic analysis on appropriate technology of renewable energy in rural area

  3. 我国城市雨水利用适用技术

    Applicable Techniques for Make Use of Urban Rainwater in Our Country

  4. 用先进适用技术改造传统法尿素装置

    Reforming the Traditional Method Urea Plant by Advanced and Suitable Technology

  5. 上海地区住宅换气方式适用技术经济性分析

    Analysis of residential ventilation system in Shanghai based technology and economy

  6. 小城镇污水处理适用技术的比较分析

    Comparison and analysis on the applicable technologies for small town sewage treatment

  7. 天津市清洁能源行动适用技术分析

    Analysis of Suitable Technology of Clean Energy Motion in Tianjin

  8. 建立先进适用技术与产品推荐模型。

    The recommendation model is designed by association rules techniques .

  9. 他称特殊的笔记本是“适用技术”的一个典型。

    He says the special laptop is an example of appropriate technology .

  10. 湖南养猪场污染治理适用技术及投资分析

    Pollution Control Technologies and Investment Analysis for Pig Farms in Hunan Province

  11. 上海市既有公共建筑节能改造适用技术研究

    Research on Energy Saving Retrofitting Strategies for Existing Public Buildings in Shanghai

  12. 北京城市住区雨水利用适用技术选择

    Feasible Rainwater Harvesting Technology Selection in Beijing Urban Residential Districts

  13. 柱齿钎头适用技术的研究

    The investigation of applied technique in a button bit

  14. 三是运用信息技术和先进适用技术,大力提升传统优势产业;

    Upgrade traditionally advantageous industry by infotech and suitable advanced technology ; 4 .

  15. 加强科技示范,抓一批科技推广示范样板;大力推广无公害生产技术,全力搞好技术培训,普及先进适用技术。

    Strengthen the technical demonstration and promote demonstration samples .

  16. 第二,劳动密集型和成熟适用技术产业作为对外直接投资的主导产业。

    Secondly , labor-intensive industry and applicable mature technology should be the leading industry .

  17. 支撑循环经济与和谐社会的适用技术共生创新研究

    On Symbiotic Innovation of Appropriate Technology to Support the Recycle Economy & Harmonious Society

  18. 提供适用技术信息是地方科技情报工作的重点

    Providing the Appropriate Technological Information Is the Key Point of Local Sci-tech Information Work

  19. 中小煤矿安全高效开采的先进适用技术

    Advanced and Practicable Technology of Safety and High Efficiency Mining in Medium and Small Colliery

  20. 建议采用先进适用技术,有效降低作业成本;

    Our suggestions are to use advanced applicable cementing arts , and lower cementing operation costs ;

  21. 不同的法律概念下,法律适用技术必然不同。

    The methods must be different in applying law if you have the different concept of law .

  22. 凯洛格1000吨/日氨合成改产1350吨/日的适用技术

    Suitable Technology for Revamping Kellogg Ammonia Plant from 1000 t / d to 1350 t / d

  23. 中国煤层气富集高产规律、开采特点及勘探开发适用技术

    The regular patterns of highly-produced CBM , its production performance and the progress of prospecting technologies in China

  24. 一次对适用技术生态观的实践&以四川泸州向阳商城大厦设计为例

    A Practice On " Adaptive technology " Ecological Conception & On a Design for Luzhou Sunny Market edifice

  25. 同时,滁州市还有非常丰富的非金属矿产资源,亟待采用高新技术和先进适用技术进行开发利用。

    Moreover , Chuzhou 's abundant nonmetal mineral resources are to be developed by using proper new technology .

  26. 适用技术(简写为AT):适合于现有生产要素的技术。

    Appropriate technology - AT : The application of a technology appropriate for the factor endowment that exists .

  27. 实践表明,该系统实现了先进适用技术与产品的有效推广。

    The experimentation shows that the system is effective and advanced techniques and products can be popularized efficiently .

  28. 多种产业的开发是这个系统的核心,而适用技术(特别掌握这种技术的人才)是推动这个系统发展的关键。

    The development of multi-industries is the core of the system in a forest district or a tree farm .

  29. 同时,农业科技园区作为农业先进适用技术的载体,必须与国际接轨,参与国际竞争。

    As a carrier of advanced and practical technologies , Agricultural science and technology zones must participate in international competition .

  30. 提高我国铀矿堆浸经济效益的主要途径和适用技术(续完)

    Main ways and suitable technologies of improving economic benefits for uranium ore heap leaching in China ( the end )