
shì jū xìng
  • habitability
适居性[shì jū xìng]
  1. 海岸地区和城市的适居性。

    The habitability of coastal areas and cities .

  2. 如果能够找到有效的减纵摇方法,对于舰载飞机起降、船舶的适居性和航行性及安全性等都是十分有意义的。

    Finding an efficient methods is very significant of the carrier aircraft debarking and landing , the ship habitability , navigation and safety .

  3. 论综合性规划的设计理念&老龄化社区适居性的探索

    Designing conception of comprehensive planning & Habitability exploration of old age community

  4. 冬季气候是影响该地区环境适居性的重要因素。

    Winter climate is an important factor influencing environment livability in this region .

  5. 对高层住宅适居性中生理和心理影响的分析

    An analysis of health of body and mind about the livability in a highrise apartment building

  6. 吸引企业到英国并将其留住,另一个要素是适居性安全、空气和生活质量。

    The other great factor that attracts and retains business in Britain is liveability security , atmosphere and quality of life .

  7. 设计宜人的乘员舱内装饰环境是提高载人航天器适居性,进而保证个系统安全可靠的重要途径之一。

    A pleasant decoration of crew module is one of important ways for improving the human-rating of manned spacecraft and ensuring its safety and reliability .

  8. 叙述了传统的形体规划局限在住房与环境规划之中,无法满足老龄化社区的适居性。

    And the traditional shape planning is limited to housing and environmental program , which can not satisfy the requirement of community habitability of old age .

  9. 通过对哈尔滨城市建设的分析和展望,从几个方面探索了城市建设中创造印象性强、适居性强的城市的思路和设计理念。

    Through analyzing and looking forward to the civil construction of Harbin the idea and the design concept of enhancing city impression and creating livable environment are discussed .

  10. 城市人居环境是一个复合生态系统,其影响因素具有多元性特点,气候是构成这一系统最为密切直接的自然地理因素,也是人们评判城市适居性的重要因素之一。

    Urban human settlements environment is a compound ecosystem , its factors have pluralism characteristics . Climate is one of the physical geography which has the closest relation with it .

  11. 合理的装饰装修提高建筑结构的适用性,改善建筑的适居性,不合格的装饰装修会带来严重的危害,破坏建筑的适居性。

    We find that reasonable decoration can improve the applicability of the structure and inhabitability of the house , but disqualified decoration can jeopardize the structure and destroy the inhabitability .