
  1. UML标记元素可以定制为使之适应领域专用的需求。

    UML notational elements have been customized to make them suit the domain-specific needs .

  2. 对自动化系统进行多层次抽象,明确了集中式、客户/服务器和自律分散结构的适应领域,明确了系统功能及其表达方式的时空关系。

    An abstraction of multilevel to the automation system was carried out , clarified the suitable application field of centralized , client / server and autonomous decentralized system architecture , and the relations between the function of system and its expression mode .

  3. 指出由于政府体育组织结构改革的不彻底引起的种种问题,使现有多元组织结构比较混乱,真正多元化的高水平体育赛事组织结构体系尚未形成,各种组织结构类型的适应领域也比较模糊。

    The author holds that the problems caused by the unthoroughness in the governmental sports events reform make the current diversified organization structure in chaos , while the true diversified structure has not been formed and the adaptive fields of the different organization types are not definite enough .

  4. 为了适应军事领域中HLA协同仿真多样的分析需求,提出一种通用性良好的数据采集及分析框架。

    A generic data collection and analysis framework was proposed in order to satisfy various requirements of HLA-based collaborative simulation in military domain .

  5. 同时,为了适应不同领域和目标应用的需要,建立或更新GIS数据库的数据,图像数据处理与分析理论和方法的研究也成果斐然。

    Meanwhile , in order to meet the requirements of different applied fields , and construct or renew the data in GIS database , the achievements on theories and technologies for digital geo-spatial image processing and analysis were elegant in recent years .

  6. 所以,XMLSCHEMA比DTD具有更强大的表达能力,更能适应不同领域的需求,更适合描述关系数据,有代替DTD的趋势。

    Therefore , XML Schema is of more powerful expression than the DTD , and more easily to adapt to the needs of different areas , it is more suitable to describe the relationship data ; there is a trend to replace DTD .

  7. 同时,由于mantis规定的许多流程不能够适应各领域软件的应用需求,各软件开发团队应根据自身管理流程的特色和缺陷类型的不同,建立符合自己的缺陷工作模型,并对缺陷进行合理处理。

    Otherwise , every group of software development must establish to match own track work model and to proceed the reasonable handles because Mantis provision many processes can not adapt enough to the application need of each realm software .

  8. 学者们在跨文化管理和跨文化适应相关领域的研究不断深入,并取得了丰硕的成果。

    Scholars have advanced their studies concerned with cross-cultural management and ability and have achieved fruitful results .

  9. 但是,在具体实际应用中,很难设计出一种能够适应各种领域的融合方法。

    But in the specific applications , it is difficult to design a method suitable for various fields .

  10. 因此,存储库应该提供可扩展的发现功能,而且此功能需要能够适应各种领域特定的发现查询。

    Thus , the repository should provide discovery capabilities that are extensible and can accommodate a wide range of domain-specific discovery queries .

  11. 从模板库中过滤出适应目标领域的翻译知识,以实现系统向新领域的快速移植。

    Translation knowledge unsuitable to target domain is deleted from pattern base , which leads MT system transfered to new domain quickly .

  12. 同时为了适应不同领域的模型,在工作流核心集合的基础上增加了扩展方法。

    Meanwhile , in order to adapt to different domains of the model , the core set of workflow based on the increase of extension methods .

  13. 与在美国和欧洲一样,广告商必须学会适应数字领域的变化。在中国,这种变化的速度的可谓一日千里。

    As in the United States and Europe , advertisers have to learn to adapt to changes in digital landscape , which in China can unfold at breakneck speed .

  14. 框架是一个一般设计的实现,由一些互相合作的类组成,能适应特定领域中的各种情况。

    The framework is a realization that is generally designed , made up of some kind classes in coordinations , can adapt to various kinds of situations in the specific field .

  15. 实质是处理好政府与社会之间的权力关系,以适应经济领域的变革所导致的行政环境的变化,在释放市场活力的同时,集中政府资源,增强政府的执政能力。

    The substance of reform is dealing with the power connection between government and society to strengthen ability of government and adapt to the change of administrative environment which led by economic transaction .

  16. 再加上目前能源紧缺,利用先进的自动化技术、控制技术以及通讯技术,设计高性能、高节能、能适应不同领域的恒压供水系统成为必然趋势。

    Meanwhile energy resources are seriously lack . So it is inevitable tendency to design water supply system which has high function and saves on energy well , with help of advanced technique of automation , control and communication .

  17. 论文研究和抽象企业信息的组成及其联系、企业信息的结构、特征与共性,建立涵盖适应一定领域(制造业)主要业务、具有广泛适用性的企业信息模型。

    The paper studies and abstracts the constitution and interrelationships of information of enterprises , analyzes the structure , characteristics , and common traits of the information and puts forward an enterprises information model covering the main business of certain fields ( manufacturing ) which has wide adaptability .

  18. 概要文件用于进行特定领域内的建模:它们支持扩展UML以适应特定的领域。

    Profiles are used to enable domain-specific modeling : they allow UML to be extended to suit a particular domain .

  19. GPS巡更器采用GPS接收模块、单片机系统、数据通信/采集接口等部件进行功能组合,以适应合不同领域行业的实际需求。

    The GPS patrolling system combines GPS receiving module , SCM system , digital communication / collection interface and can fulfill the needs of different fields .

  20. LED照明成为21世纪最引人注目的新技术领域之一,而功率型LED优异的散热特性和光学特性更能适应普通照明领域的需要。

    LED lighting is one of the most attractive new techniques in the new century , and power LED is regarded as the compatible device for conventional lighting .

  21. 系统借鉴Eclipse微内核体系结构,通过对插件平台的关键技术的研究,实现了适应于物探领域的插件平台系统。

    Eclipse system from micro-kernel architecture , plug-in platform of key technologies to realize the adaptation in the field of geophysical platform system plug-ins .

  22. 微卫星DNA作为一种优良的遗传标记在分子生态学领域得到了广泛应用,本文综述了其在分子种群生物学、分子环境遗传学、分子适应等研究领域中的应用情况。

    Microsatellite DNA has been widely used as a good genetic marker in molecular ecology . This paper reviewed its application in molecular population biology , molecular environmental genetics , and molecular adaptation .

  23. 本文简要阐述了AES算法,并为适应信息安全领域中音视频高速数据流所需的实时、现场和透明加密的要求,探讨了AES算法的优化问题。

    In this paper , the AES algorithm is expounded in brief . Furthermore , the topic about optimized AES is proposed to satisfy the encryption demand of real-time , field and transparency , such as audio and video data flow in the field of information security .

  24. 项目分析结果表明本量表适应技能各领域项目具有较好的区分度;

    Item analyses showed the items of ASRSCC had satisfactory indexes of item discrimination .

  25. 这一系统适应于某些领域,比如一个小岛的交往社区,而对分散于全球的人们之间的交往则作用不大。

    In some areas the result is closer to a small Island community than a dispersed global population .

  26. 复合模式将软件开发的抽象层次提升到了适应特定问题领域的水平。

    Composed patterns lift the abstraction of software development to a level that is suitable for particular problem domains .

  27. 为了适应当前工业领域生产要求需要,设计并实现了一种工业浮游物含量在线测控系统。

    An online control system for measuring suspended material content in solution was produced to make the need of industrial automation at present .

  28. 璞耐特为适应现代建筑领域的快速发展及各种基础设施的建设,提供更新型、更高效的建材产品。

    Pu Knight to adapt the field of modern architecture and the rapid development of various infrastructure construction , to provide updates of more efficient building materials .

  29. 为了使学校更好地适应基础教育领域的深刻变革,必须走一条专业化发展的道路。

    In order to better adapt to the school based on the profound changes in the field of education , we must follow a path of professional development .

  30. 然而,作为一门密切关注社会问题的新兴学科,社会工作对城市流动儿童社会适应这一领域的研究却很少。

    However , as an emerging discipline which is related to the social problems , the research about the adaption of the urban migrant children is rarely concerned .