
  1. 龙之媒为拥有国际品牌观的企业提供科学的品牌策略及设计服务。

    Dragon media brand to have international brands provide the scientific concept of corporate brand strategy and design services .

  2. 从现代品牌观出发,从消费者的角度出发,品牌应该是属于消费者而不是企业。

    From the view of modern brand and the view of the consumer , the brand is not belonged to the corporation but consumer .

  3. 反向的品牌美学观

    Aesthetic Conception of Brand s in Reverse

  4. 同时,公司也赋予了她确立品牌审美观的权力。

    It also gave her aesthetic power .

  5. 分别评价公司的经营理念,整合设计和品牌价值观。

    Appraises the company separately the management idea , the conformity design and the brand values .

  6. 铿锵的品牌价值观:100-1

    On Brand Value Assessment

  7. 并依据罗齐奇的价值观分类法和品牌价值观的两个功能特性,把它分类为管理型品牌价值观和消费型品牌价值观。

    And the third one is that brand values is divided into two parts according to its functions and Rokeach ' values research .

  8. 基于顾客的品牌资产观着眼于从顾客角度感知和评价品牌,即品牌在顾客心目中处于何种地位,对品牌评价较高的顾客往往愿意与该品牌维系某种特殊的情感联系。

    Customer-based brand equity emphasizes the important status of customers ' perceptions of brand , because those who value highly of the brand would like to keep emotional relationship with the brand .

  9. 它能够集中体现企业的文化及其品牌核心价值观,它主要包括企业理念识别系统M工、企业行为识别系统BI和企业视觉识别系统VI。

    It can embody a concentrated reflection of enterprise culture and its core brand values , and it mainly includes the concept of enterprise recognition system MI , enterprise behavior identity system and visual identification system VI and BI .

  10. 知名品牌核心价值观塑造及对策研究

    Well-known Brand Core Values to Shape and Countermeasures

  11. 当年合同公布时,福布斯家族称赞新买家们是“前瞻性的投资集团”,尊重“我们的品牌和价值观”。现在,它有了不同的看法。

    When the deal was announced , the Forbes family praised the new buyers as " a forward-looking investor group " that respects " our brand and our values . " Now it has a different view .

  12. 品牌传播之设计观

    Thoughts about Brand Communication Design

  13. 正品卷烟与假冒品牌卷烟在感观上几乎没什么差别,很难通过肉眼观测或凭人鼻闻嗅来识别。

    There is little difference between counterfeit and genuine cigarettes and it is almost impossible to identify the fake cigarettes by looking at their shapes or via smelling aroma by human nose .

  14. 龙之媒品牌以科学化的品牌观和实效运作享誉业界。

    Dragon media brand the brand concept to the scientific reputation and effectiveness of the operation of the industry .

  15. 泉州11家中国名牌企业具有强烈的品牌意识和科学的品牌战略观。

    All 11 China famous enterprises in Quanzhou have strong brand consciousness and scientific brand strategy conception .

  16. 在比较服务品牌与产品品牌差异的基础上,提出了品牌沟通、顾客体验、员工管理、企业文化和品牌价值观等因素影响着服务品牌的成功,是服务品牌价值的驱动因素。

    Comparing the differences between the service brand and the product brand , it is supposed that some factors influence the success of the service brand , such as brand communication , brand experience , employee management , enterprise culture and brand values and so on .