
  • 网络Pindar;Pin-dar
  1. 古希腊抒情诗人中,萨福和品达至今仍被人们广泛赞赏。

    Of the many lyric poets of ancient Greece , two are still admired by readers today : Sappho and Pindar .

  2. 你只须深究荷马与品达的语言在色彩、句法、词汇上的不同,便能了解这种对照的意义。

    To understand more profoundly the significance of this distinction , let the reader ponder the utter dissimilarity of verbal color , syntax and phraseology in the works of Homer and Pindar .

  3. 这条项链是赠给印度帕夏拉王公布品达辛(BhupinderSingh)的礼物,它是由5条白金项链排列而成,镶嵌的钻石多达2930颗。

    This gift to the Maharaja Sir Bhupinder Singh had five rows of platinum chains adorned with 2930 diamonds .

  4. 希腊抒情诗人品达所用的颂诗形式;三部分中有三组。

    An ode form used by Pindar ; has triple groups of triple units .

  5. 最后一个佩戴它的人是王公布品达辛的儿子亚达维达王公。

    The last person known to wear it was his son Maharaja Yadavindra Singh .

  6. 野牛和弯镖是西班牙奥维多省哥伦布里斯附近品达洞穴里的彩画摹本。

    The bison and boomerangs are a facsimile of a painting in pindal cave near colombres , province of oviedo , spain .

  7. 第三节品达体颂歌中三节诗的第三节,其形式和第一、二诗节不同且形成对比三联组合水位调节器

    The third division of the triad of a Pindaric ode , having a different or contrasting form from that of the strophe and antistrophe . three-element feed regulator

  8. 品达笔下的英雄,如背叛了诸神信任的坦塔罗斯和伊克西翁,从奥林匹斯山盛会的光芒中被驱逐到哈德斯之冥府的黑暗之中。

    Heroes like Tantalus and Ixion in Pindar , who betray the gods'trust in them , are sent from the radiance of Olympian feasts to the utter darkness of Hades .

  9. 抒情诗之父品达,就把取胜看作第一要务,从那之后,我们就秉承了橄榄球比赛中在得分区跳舞庆祝的精神。

    Pindar , the father of lyric poetry , took as his chief subject the winning of games , and the spirit of the end-zone dance has been with us ever since .

  10. 希腊文化得利于自然哲学家(泰利斯、帕梅尼德斯),早期政治领袖(梭仑),工程学家(伽尔瑟夫农)、和诗人(莎孚、品达),也正在走向其古典文化的顶峰。

    Greek culture was climbing toward its classical peak , thanks to natural philosophers ( Thales , Parmenides ), early political leaders ( Solon ), engineers ( Chersiphron ), and poets ( Sappho , Pindar ) .

  11. 在195/60R14轮胎中采用1670dtex/2DSP聚酯帘布单层胎体结构,相应调整模型设计和工艺技术后,成品轮胎的动平衡及均匀性提高,A级品达90%以上。

    The unbalance and uniformity of finished tire improved and the A grade products reached over 90 % by using single ply of 1670dtex / 2 DSP cord in 195 / 60R14 tire and adjusting the mold design and precessing technology correspondingly .

  12. 是谁敢于独持己见来否定希腊的天才呢,象荷马、品达、埃斯库罗斯、斐狄亚斯、伯理克斯、乃至阿波罗与狄奥尼索斯等等天才,岂不是使我们肃然起敬,视为文化的最深渊壑和最高峰岭吗?

    Who was this man who dared , singlehanded , to challenge the entire world of Hellenism -- embodied in Homer , Pindar , and Aeschylus , in Phidias , Pericles , Pythia , and Dionysus -- which commands our highest reverence ?

  13. 公元前五世纪的希腊抒情诗人品达曾写道:“正如在白天,天空中没有星星比太阳更温暖、更明亮,同样,也没有任何比赛比奥运会更伟大。”

    Pindar , the Greek poet wrote in the5th century BC : " As in the daytime there is no star in the sky warmer and brighter than the sun , likewise there is no competition greater than the Olympic Games . "