
  • 网络Brand ranking;WanXi
  1. 求你不要离开我,男士内衣品牌排行榜。

    Don 't leave me , please .

  2. 美国品牌的强势在北美十大品牌排行榜中得以突显。上榜品牌中有八个进入了全球排名前十名。

    The strength of US brands is underlined by the North American Top 10 , which shares eight brands with the top 10 in the global rankings .

  3. 但中国的本土品牌却很少有机会和国际品牌在品牌价值排行上一争高下。

    But at the same time , China 's local brands and international brands in the very rare opportunity of a brand value for lower ranks .

  4. 9月14日,由世界品牌实验室编制、《蒙代尔》杂志中文版发布的2006年度《亚洲品牌500强》排行榜揭晓,中国移动名列第三。

    OnSeptember14th , the Chinese version of the " Mundell " magazine , prepared by the world brand laboratory , published the " top500 Asian brands " list for2006 , and it ranked China Mobile third .

  5. 根据品牌咨询公司Interbrand的一项最新报告显示,苹果,谷歌和可口可乐在2016年全球100个最有价值品牌排行中位列前三;而在整个榜单中,科技品牌和汽车品牌占据了相当大的一部分。

    Apple Inc. , Alphabet Inc. 's Google , and Coca-Cola Co. topped the list of the world 's 100 most valuable brands in 2016 , while technology and automotive brands dominated the overall rankings , according to a new report from brand consultancy Interbrand .