
pǐn ɡé jiào yù
  • character education;education for character development
  1. 美国中小学品格教育及其启示

    Character Education in American Primary and Secondary Schools and Its Inspiration

  2. 新品格教育的目的在于社会的道德整合。

    New character education aims to moral integration of society .

  3. 主要分两部分介绍,第一部分介绍了美国品格教育组织的简单情况,然后选取两个比较有代表性的组织,品格教育伙伴组织、第4和第5R中心详细加以介绍。

    Firstly , introduced the basic situation of the character educational organizations , and then selected two representative organizations , Character Education Partnership ; Center for the 4th and 5th Rs to introduce in detail .

  4. 名副其实的教育,本质上是品格教育。

    Education worthy of the name is essentially education of character .

  5. 第二部分,当代美国品格教育运动的理论研究与基本主张。

    The third part concerns the practice of Character Education Movement in schools .

  6. 品格教育在英国教育政策中的重现

    The Re-emergence of Character Education in British Education Policy

  7. 论美国新品格教育的“社群化”特征

    Moral Training in Community & a Characteristic of New Character Education in USA

  8. 同时还分析了美国新品格教育德育网络建设所取得的成效。

    Also analyzed the new character education effect of moral education network construction .

  9. 美国品格教育的最新发展研究

    Reasearch on the Latest Development of American Character Education

  10. 真正的品格教育就是一个逐渐的灵魂转向过程。

    The authentic character education is precisely the process of gradual soul turning .

  11. 当代美国品格教育运动述评

    A Review of Character Education Movement in America

  12. 美国现代品格教育运动及启示

    American Modern Character Education Movement and Its Inspiration

  13. 西方道德教育、品格教育与公民教育关系初探

    Research on the Relationships among Western Moral Education , Character Education and Citizenship Education

  14. 因此对品格教育进行深入研究是非常有必要且迫切的事情。

    Therefore , it is necessary and urgent to do deep research on character education .

  15. 促进品格教育的因素有:对学生的尊重和关爱;

    Factors to stimulate character education include as follows : respect and care for the students ;

  16. 美国学校品格教育研究

    Character Education Research of American Schools

  17. 英语课中的品格教育

    Character Education in English Class

  18. 美国品格教育的各种理论或主张之间存在明显分歧。

    Between each kind of theory or the position about character education have obvious differences in America .

  19. 围绕核心价值观对青少年进行品格教育,是社会发展的必需。

    Around the core values for juvenile , character education is the social development of the essential .

  20. 品格教育的复兴成为这个阶段美国道德教育最主要的特点。

    Character education in the renaissance became the main features of American moral education at this stage .

  21. 美国的品格教育有着悠久的历史,经历了繁荣衰落复兴的跌宕起伏的过程。

    Character education in America has a long history and experienced the ups and downs process of boom-decline-rehabilitation .

  22. 20世纪80年代开始,美国学校掀起了轰轰烈烈的品格教育运动。

    In the beginning of 1980s , the United States school brought about astounding " character education sport " .

  23. 品格教育的理论和实践是当代美国学校道德教育的主流。

    The theory and practice of Character Education has become a main stream in the American school moral education .

  24. 美国新品格教育的“社群化”具有共识价值的统摄性、整合控制性和人为性等特征。

    Moral training in community has several characteristics including : subject to consensus value , integrated control , and artificial .

  25. 本文简要阐述了存在主义教育理论流派的代表人物马丁·布贝尔的品格教育思想,其中着重介绍了其品格教育思想的两大特点:德育首位和德育的困难性。

    The paper discusses generally the character education of Martin Buber , who is the representative of existential educational theory .

  26. 在目标定位、模式选择、策略运用等方面,不同的非广义品格教育论者的主张不同。

    Different perspectives of the non-expansive character education are different in localization of tar-gets , selection of modes and operational strategies .

  27. 论析美国关怀教育视野下的社群主义、品格教育与自由主义

    Show loving care for the community doctrine , character education and liberalism under the educational vision in terms of analysing U.S.A

  28. 品格教育是20世纪末美国学校道德教育发展过程中一个值得注意的道德教育现象。

    Character education is a noticeable moral education movement in the development of moral education in American schools at the end of 20 century .

  29. 尽管美国青少年的品格教育还存在着某些问题,但是其品格教育的一些做法还是值得我们深思和借鉴的。

    In spite of the problems with the moral character education of the American adolescents , some methods give us much food for thought and reference .

  30. 品格教育强调以核心价值观为主要内容,就道德课程来说,应加强道德认知教学,促进学生对德目的理解和对道德本质的思考,培养学生的道德理性能力。

    For moral curriculum , it should strengthen moral cognition teaching , promote deep understand about moral outline and thought about moral essence , cultivate moral rationality .