
  1. 不出所料,女孩名亚莉克莎(Alexa)的使用量在一年内减半,这可能是因为它与亚马逊智能音箱的语音助手同名,从而可能会发生混淆。

    Unsurprisingly , the name Alexa halved in a year , possibly due to potential confusion with Amazon 's smart speaker .

  2. 谷歌称谷歌镜头将用于相册(Photos)和语音助手(Assistant)两大功能。

    Google says Lens is coming to both Photos and Assistant .

  3. 谷歌语音助手会说4种语言,该服务一开始只在谷歌自家的Pixel手机里有,后来又应用到其他安卓设备。

    Google 's Assistant , which began in its Pixel phone but has moved to other Android devices , speaks four languages .

  4. 苹果公司于近日推出了一款支持语音助手Siri的声控扬声器。

    Apple has announced a voice-activated loudspeaker powered by its virtual assistant Siri .

  5. 据一绝密项目的知情人士透露,谷歌正在研发两款使用其AI语音助手功能的智能手表。

    Google is building two smartwatches that will use its AI voice assistant feature , a source close to the top-secret project has revealed .

  6. 近日,三星公司证实,其备受期待的、应对苹果Siri的语音助手将推迟发布。

    Samsung has confirmed that its much-anticipated answer to Apple 's Siri will be delayed .

  7. 语音助手刚刚出现在苹果应用商店,而相册早已适用于iOS系统。

    Assistant , meanwhile , has just been rolled out to Apple 's App Store . Photos is already available on iOS .

  8. iOS7.1推出了CarPlay和iTunes收音机,同时还有Siri电子语音助手。

    iOS 7.1 rolled out CarPlay and iTunes Radio , as well as tweaking the Siri digital voice assistant .

  9. 另外,它还将有一个新的地图应用程序以及苹果语音助手Siri的升级版。

    It features a new mapping application and updates to Apple 's virtual assistant Siri , among other things .

  10. 新功能允许你向Echo的语音助手亚历克莎问类似“我走了多少步?”这样的问题。她将会随着推动给你回复。

    The new feature lets you ask Echo 's voice assistant , Alexa , questions like " What 's my step count ? " She 'll give a response along with a nudge .

  11. 该技术目前尚处于初级阶段,但如果你在思考,到底“苹果语音助手”(Apple'sSiri)和“谷歌语音搜索”(GoogleVoiceSearch)谁会在这场竞争中取胜,那就想想拼写检查给我们的启示吧。

    It is still early days , but if you 're thinking about which side will win in the battle between Apple 's Siri and Google Voice Search , consider the lesson of spell check .

  12. 更近一些,苹果收购QuattroWireless,创造了iAds手机广告网络;而收购SIRI公司则获取了智能语音助手Siri技术。

    More recently , acquiring Quattro wireless created the iAds mobile ad network and Siri was a technology acquired from Sri .

  13. 去年芭芭拉?史翠珊向苹果公司总裁蒂姆?库克抱怨智能语音助手Siri读错了她的名字,并因此上了头条。

    Last year Barbra Streisand made headlines after she complained to Apple boss Tim Cook about the way Siri says her name .

  14. 把所有这些设备联系在一起的是苹果的语音助手技术Siri。苹果对其搜索功能进行了改进,并在整场发布会上进行了突出的展示,特别是在新款AppleTV上。

    Drawing all of these devices together is Apple 's voice assistant technology , called Siri , with improved search capabilities that were prominently displayed throughout the event , especially on the new Apple TV .

  15. Jeeves可能不复存在了,但是现在所有的iPhone或是iPad用户在和苹果语音助手Siri交流时,都会遇到类似的情况。

    Jeeves may no longer be around , but now everyone with an iPhone or iPad has something similar with Apple 's voice assistant , Siri .

  16. 苹果手机上装有Siri语音助手(现今苹果电视上也装有此功能),当然,类似的语音功能软件还有微软手机上的“Cortana”(微软小娜)以及三星“盖乐世”系列手机上的SVoice语音助手功能。

    There 's the iPhone 's Siri ( now added to Apple TV ) , of course , but don 't forget Cortana on the Windows Phone or the S Voice on the Samsung Galaxy .

  17. 苹果的语音助手Siri的响应速度也很快,不过由于现场环境比较嘈杂,话筒不太容易领会我的语音指令。

    Siri , the voice-prompted virtual assistant , was quick to come up , though the mic had a hard time picking up commands in my noisy environment .

  18. 我越来越习惯于在烹饪的时候用苹果语音助手Siri来设置厨房的定时器或提醒设备,或是在开车时用它来查看天气。

    I grew used to calling on Siri to set kitchen timers or reminders while I was cooking , or to look up the weather while I was driving .

  19. 新推出的遥控器有一个触摸板和一个麦克风,分别可以用来滚动菜单,以及用苹果的语音助手Siri来查找想看的内容。

    The new remote control includes a touch pad for scrolling around the menu and a microphone for finding things to watch using Siri , Apple 's voice assistant .

  20. iOS9也升级了Siri,更新了语音助手的界面,无需机主告知,Siri就可以自动提醒预约事件。

    iOS 9 also comes with updates to Siri to give the voice assistant a new interface and allow it to remind a user of appointments without being told to ahead of time .

  21. 亚马逊宣布Alexa语音助手又有新功能了,能帮助用户确定感染新冠病毒的风险等级。

    Amazon has announced that it has added features to its Alexa voice assistant that can help users determine their risk level for having contracted the COVID-19 coronavirus .

  22. 三星方面在上个月的一场特别活动中公布了这款Bixby语音助手,并预计将和三星最新旗舰设备同步推出。

    The Bixby voice-powered assistant was unveiled at a special event last month and was meant to debut on the South Korean giant 's new flagship devices .

  23. 一位微软发言人告诉AdAge:去年,必应成为语音助手Siri的默认网页搜索引擎;而在新一代iOS与OSX中,必应将作为改版后的Spotlight搜索服务的默认网页搜索服务提供商。

    Last year Bing became the default web search for Siri , and will now also be the default web search provider in the redesigned Spotlight search feature for the next generation of iOS and OS X , a Microsoft spokesperson told Ad Age .

  24. 雪佛兰希望FNR能吸引全球而不仅仅是中国的80后、90后。它将语音助手Siri、BFF技术和运动腕带Fitbit等多重功能集于一身。

    Chevy hopes that the FNR will hook millennials , not just in China but worldwide , with the promise of a vehicle that will be part Siri , part BFF , and part Fitbit .

  25. 谷歌和亚马逊都表示计划给它们的语音助手添加更多种语言,但两家公司均拒绝透露更多消息。

    Google and Amazon said they plan to bring more languages to their assistants but declined to comment further .

  26. 很多人习惯于通过苹果的内置语音助手来获得一些很前卫的答案。

    Many people who use Apple 's built in personal assistant are used to receiving sassy answers from him .

  27. 还要强调一下亚马逊并非首个利用语音助手提供疾病控制和预防中心的新冠病毒信息的。

    It should also be noted that Amazon isn 't the first to empower its voice assistant to offer CDC COVID-19 information .

  28. 不过现在已经成为安卓系统标配的谷歌语音助手将可以使用。

    However , Google 's voice assistant , which is now a standard part of the Android operating system , will be available .

  29. 而且,想象自己在一个典型的办公环境里,对着一台固定不动的电脑使用语音助手,还有旁边格子间的同事能听到你和Cortana的对话,这场景还挺让人倒胃口的。

    In addition , the idea of using a voice assistant on a stationary computer in a typical office environment , where colleagues will overhear you over their cubicle walls yapping to Cortana , seems off-putting .

  30. 上述结果反映了人工智能在生成有效句子方面富有趣味性的进步。这样的进步能促进人类和人工智能聊天机器人进行更多类人互动,互动的对象甚至可以扩展到谷歌的语音助手Now。

    The results show interesting improvements in the ability of the machine to generate sentences that make sense together , which could led to much more human-like interactions with AI chatbots , perhaps even Google 's Now .