
  • 网络Semantic Search Engine
  1. 语义搜索引擎概念模型

    A Conceptual Model for Semantic Search Engine

  2. 语义搜索引擎将检索策略从传统的关键词层面上升到语义层面,结合智能推理技术,改善搜索的性能。

    The search strategy of semantic search engine improves from traditional keyword level up to semantic level , with intelligent reasoning .

  3. 问答式检索和问答系统(QuestionAnsweringSystem)就是其中一个重要的研究课题,也是研究下一代语义搜索引擎的重要研究方向。

    Question Answering ( QA ) system has been an important research topic which is the important research direction for next generation search engines .

  4. 传统搜索引擎与语义搜索引擎比较研究

    Comparative Study on Common and Semantic Search Engines

  5. 2008年,他开始研究一种语义搜索引擎,使它从不同来源搜集数据,为直接的提问题和查询提供答案。

    In2008 , he started working on a semantic search engine that collects data from different sources and gives answers to direct questions and queries .

  6. 近些年来,将本体技术应用于搜索引擎当中创造出的基于本体的语义搜索引擎开始受到人们的关注。

    In recent years , people concern more on the usage of ontology in search engine to create a more intelligent search and solve the above problem .

  7. 通过对这个系统性能的评估,对系统的改善提出了进一步意见,并对语义搜索引擎的应用前景进行了展望。

    We make further comments to improve the system on the base of the performance evaluation of the system . And the application of semantic search engine is prospected .

  8. 本文的研究重点是基于分类语义的搜索引擎系统的WEB语义分析执行机制的研究。

    The research is focused on studying the control mechanism of the WEB information search engine service based on the semantic classification .

  9. 基于分类语义的搜索引擎中若干关键技术的研究与实现

    The Study and Implemention of Some Key Technologies in Search Engine System Based on Classification Semantics

  10. 为此本文在研究了搜索引擎技术要点的基础上,设计了一个基于分类语义的搜索引擎系统。

    So based on the studies of key technologies of search engines , this thesis designed a Search Engine System which is based on Classification Semantics .

  11. 随着语义Web、搜索引擎、时空推理和知识工程等领域的发展,本体技术近来发展很快,成为众多研究者关注的焦点。

    With the developments of Semantic Web , Search Engine , Spatio-temporal Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering , ontology approaches have gained much progress and become the focus of many researchers .

  12. 应用研究主要集中在Web-services、基于代理的分布式计算、基于语义的网页搜索引擎和基于语义的数字图书馆几个方面。

    The applications should focus on the Web-services , the distributed computing based on agent , the webpage search engine based on semantics and the digital library based on semantics .

  13. 基于语义的垂直搜索引擎搜索策略研究

    Semantic-based vertical search engines search strategy

  14. 本文通过对现有的各种搜索引擎进行分析,提出一种基于语义的企业搜索引擎的框架,这种框架关键是结合本体对各种资源进行索引,提高了检索的性能。

    This paper proposes a frame of semantic-based Enterprise Search Engine , the key of this frame is we indexed all resources combined with ontology which can improve the performance of retrieve .

  15. 建立了基于OWL的质量知识本体模型和质量本体知识库,开发了面向语义网络的概念搜索引擎。

    Quality knowledge ontology model and database based on OWL language is built . Concept search engineer base on Semantic Web is developed .

  16. 一种基于语义的服务标识搜索引擎的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Semantic-based Search Engine for Service Identifiers

  17. 基于语义网的博客搜索引擎的研究

    A Study of Blog Search Engine Based on Semantic Web

  18. 基于关键词语义扩展的垂直搜索引擎研究与设计

    Research and Design of Vertical Search Engine Based on Semantic Expansion of Keywords

  19. 基于语义的生物学专业搜索引擎设计

    Design of a Semantics-based Specialized Biological Search Engine

  20. 为克服以上存在的部分问题,本文提出了一种基于语义技术的智能搜索引擎。

    This paper proposes a structure of intelligent search engine base on semantic techniques . Firstly , the paper analyzed the constructions of existing ontology .

  21. 针对搜索中存在的表达差异和忠实表达问题,本文对语义Web进行了研究,提出了一种基于语义Web的搜索引擎,设计并实现了一种智能化搜索引擎模型。

    Search for the existence of " differential expression " and " honest expression ", the paper of the Semantic Web , the study proposes a semantic-based Web search engine , designed and implemented an intelligent search engine model .

  22. 对语义Web进行了简要综述,设计了一个基于语义Web的搜索引擎。

    · The basic elements and technology of semantic web are discussed . On the basis of it , a search engine based on the semantic web is designed .

  23. 语义专题爬虫主要的目标是搜集与主题相关的语义文档供用户通过语义搜索引擎进行查询。

    It is mainly aim at collect theme related semantic resource and enable search engine to be queried .

  24. 本文分析和指出了全文检索技术目前存在的问题,研究了基于本体的语义检索方法,引入知网本体库,并提出了一种基于语义的企业搜索引擎体系结构。

    This paper analyses and points out the problems existing in the current retrieval technology , and this paper do some research on the theory and methodology of ontology .

  25. 最后,重点探讨了基于信息安全领域本体的中文分词、信息抽取以及语义推理技术的研究与实现,在此基础上,设计并实现了基于信息安全领域本体的语义搜索引擎的演示系统。

    Finally , focus on Chinese word segmentation . information extraction and semantic reasoning technology based on information security domain ontology , on this basis , design and implement semantic search engine demonstration system based on information security domain ontology .