
  1. 语言发展理论和汉语儿童语言

    Theoretical Issues in Language Development and Chinese Child Language

  2. 也从一个独特的角度丰富了语言发展理论和实践。

    It also extends the theory and practice of language development from a particular angle .

  3. 因此,当我的理论所谈到的内容涉及了其它那些被忽视的领域时,我并不想以我的理论来和现有的语言发展理论竞争或取代它们。

    For this reason , I do not expect my theoretical forays into these neglected areas to compete with or replace extant linguistic theories of language development .

  4. 第二语言语用发展理论及其在英语教学中的应用

    Theories of Second Language Pragmatic Development and the Applications in English Teaching

  5. 情报检索语言发展的亮点理论探讨

    Study on New Theories of the Development of Information Retrieval Language

  6. 语言发展的投射理论新观点

    The New View of the Mapping Theory in Language Development