
  • 网络give life
  1. 这才是我们给予生命的最崇高的尊重。

    That is the utmost respect we can give life .

  2. 我就是那位给予生命的唯一主宰,包括永生。

    I am the only life giver , including eternal life .

  3. 他为各大高校给予生命教育的关注少之又少而担忧。

    He worries that universities have paid little attention to education for life .

  4. 给予生命,生下,生产。

    Her presence gave life to the boring party .

  5. 夏娃的名字是生命和给予生命的意思。

    Eve 's name means life , life-giving .

  6. 原始的、给予生命的意识,和平的天堂,致敬,啊,梵天,来吧。

    Primodial , life-giving consciousness , heaven of peace , salutations , O Brahma , come .

  7. 创造性想象使某物看得见,而且头脑思想能给予生命和这种形式的方向。

    The creative imagination visualizes something , and the thought energy of the mind gives life and direction to this form .

  8. 最后,本文通过理论分析得出:书中的弗兰肯斯坦就是一个心灵被缚的普罗米修斯,折磨他内心的正是他自己亲手给予生命的怪物,怪物即他的自我之内心的反映。

    At last , this paper comes to a conclusion that Victor Frankenstein is Prometheus bound in psyche , and his inside psychological torment originates from the very thing that he created & the monster .

  9. 新的世卫组织儿童生长标准确认,在全世界任何地方出生并给予生命最佳开端的儿童有潜力发育至相同的身高和体重幅度内。

    The new WHO Child Growth Standards confirm that children born anywhere in the world and given the optimum start in life have the potential to develop to within the same range of height and weight .

  10. 我相信是我们给予了生命的意义。

    I believe that we give life its meaning .

  11. 在生日的时候,我们应该向给予我们生命的母亲致敬!

    We should spend our birthdayshonoring our mothers who gave birth to us .

  12. 一个女儿该怎样开口感谢她的母亲所给予的生命?

    How does a daughter begin to thank her mother for life itself ?

  13. 感谢上帝给予我生命中98%的美好时光。

    Be thankful to God for the98 % of the good things in life .

  14. 感谢父母,他们给予我生命,抚养我长大;

    Thank my parents , who give birth to me and bring me up .

  15. 呼吸给予人生命,赋予音乐艺术生命。

    Breath gives life to human being , and also gives life to music art .

  16. 不要谴责给予你生命的那个,因为生命不会终结。

    Do not castigate the very One that gave you life for life is not ending .

  17. 我们来见你因为你原本可以给予我们生命它们说

    We came to you , because you could have brought us to life they say .

  18. 再一次由衷地感谢热情友好的美国救援人员所给予的生命救助!

    Thanks again for the life rescue by enthusiastic USA rescue team from bottom of our heart !

  19. 爸爸,谢谢你给予我生命,谢谢你对我的爱,谢谢你为我做的一切!

    Dad , thanks for giving me my life , thanks for your love , thanks for all you did !

  20. 这次的活动目标在于铭记献血精神,感谢志愿者给予的生命之礼。

    The objective of this year campaign is to recognize and thank blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood .

  21. 因为并不是所有偿还都给予这种生命,最后的审判是必需的,完全地使之恢复知觉。

    Because not all requital is meted out in this life , a final judgment is necessary to bring it to completion .

  22. 世界母乳喂养周应关注向母亲和家庭投资,给予儿童生命中最好的开端。

    World Breastfeeding Week should focus our attention on investing in mothers and families , to give children the best start in life .

  23. 你们已经太频繁地拒绝了给予你们生命的手,现在你们必须被带去其他地方重新找到你们的道路并向着光旅行。

    Yes this is judgment day , for He who offered you His hand has had it turned away and now this judgment you must face .

  24. 太阳给予我生命,我站起沿尼罗河走下去,做日升而歌,日落而眠的生活。

    Then the sun gave me birth , and I rose and walked upon the banks of the Nile , Singing with the days and dreaming with the nights .

  25. 他们被黑暗力量严重地利用来维持人类物种上面的维度,而梦想已被歪斜进这些生命,通过黑暗力量的操纵来给予这些生命巨大的受众。

    They are used heavily by the dark to retain dominion over the human species , and the dreams have been skewed into such lives to give such lives large audiences through which the dark can manipulate .

  26. 土地是天、地、人、神中的重要一环,不仅给予人类生命,还担当了人类精神的安慰与灵魂的归宿。

    Land is an important element of " Heaven , Earth , Mankind , and God " . Land not only gives human life , but also plays the consolation of the human spirit and the end-result of soul .

  27. 我想对坐在那边的父亲说,感谢你给予我生命,感谢你为家人提供的生活,感谢你为全球各地员工提供的生计。

    I want to thank my father over there for the life that he 's provided me , for the life that he 's provided my family , and the life that he 's provided all of our employees around the world .

  28. 一生中我都在渴望填补空白,贪婪地抓住每一张照片、每一个故事,或是每一张纸,希望从那里发现更多关于这位给予我生命的男人的故事。

    During my whole life , I 'm eager to fill up the blanks . I grab every photo , every story or even every piece of paper greedily , wishing to find more about the man who gave my life to me .

  29. 她给予了我生命,给与了我属于她的一切。

    She gave birth to me , and gave me her everything .

  30. 太阳很耀眼,因为它给予了我们生命。

    The sun is shining , because it gave us the life .