
  • 网络aesthetic judgment
  1. 审美判断力在康德哲学中的地位

    The Status of Aesthetic Judgment in the Philosophy of Kant

  2. 康德认为,美的本源出自于人的理性能力与知性能力之间的审美判断力,但美的本源决非美的本质。

    Kant believes that beauty originates from the aesthetic judgment between man 's rational capacity and cognitive capacity .

  3. 康德将美学与需借助概念的逻辑理性认识严格地区分开来,然而,审美判断力在面对艺术问题时,也不得不纳入理性的内容。

    Kant strictly differentiates aesthetics from the logic rational cognition based on the conception .

  4. 从这个意义上看,伽达默尔阐释学的机敏问题就是从主体方面来探讨康德审美判断力。

    Tact in Gadamer 's Hermeneutics is to probe Kant 's aesthetical judgment in aspect of subject .

  5. 康德对四个契机的论述虽有精辟之处,但这四个契机本身并不能构成审美判断力评判的完整体系。

    Though there are some shining points in Kant 's explanation to the four moments , they are not enough to construct a complete system of the aesthetic judgment .

  6. 美的本质是审美判断力在其判断活动中展开的涉及到质、量、关系、模态四个方面的规定性。

    However , the origin of beauty is not the essence of beauty , which is the prescription for the four aspects of quality , quantity , relationship and pattern as involved in the judgment activities in terms of aesthetic judgment .

  7. 提高审美转换的效果,应该从翻译主体的审美判断力、审美倾向、审美感受三方面,探求在审美意识控制下进行审美转换的有效途径,实现源语审美效果的完美移植。

    For the effect improvement , we should explore an effective way of aesthetic transfer through three aspects of the subject-aesthetic tendency and aesthetic experience , so as to achieve the perfect transplant of aesthetic effect of source language .

  8. “艺术”(审美的艺术、生产的技术)目的的理性依据是审美判断力。

    The reasoning foundation of the aims of arts including the aesthetic and the productive ones was the aesthetic sense .

  9. 康德审美判断四个契机的观点,是他四项知性范畴学说在审美判断力评判中的运用,这主要是出于他先验哲学建筑术的需要。

    Kant 's viewpoint about the four moments in aesthetic judgment , which was put forward mainly for the need of his Aprioristic Philosophy architecture theory , is the realization of his four intellectual categories in aesthetic judgment .