
  • 网络aesthetic imagination
  1. 审美想象与文学翻译的等值阈

    Aesthetic Imagination and the Attainment of Equivalence in Literary Translation

  2. 审美想象、文学语言形象化与文学翻译中的等值&《傲慢与偏见》两个中译本的比较

    Aesthetic imagination , figurative languages and the attainment of equivalence in literal translation-On two Chinese versions of Pride and Prejudice

  3. 论审美想象的特征及方式

    On the Features and Ways of Imaginations in the Appreciation of the Beauty

  4. 第1章绪论和第5章论述了釉的文化概念以及对其命名中的审美想象。

    The first chapter and the fifth chapter discusses the concept of culture and glaze of its aesthetic imagination in naming .

  5. 旗袍对于腿部的表现力是十分丰富的,也是审美想象最复杂,最活跃的部分。

    Chipau can express the elegance of a woman 's legs vividly and involve the most complicated and active aesthetic imagination .

  6. 在科学活动中,审美想象可以使科学主体自由地进行科学表象的组合、概括和抽象,从而得出创新性的科研成果。

    In the scientific activity , the aesthetic imagination enables scientific subjects to combine , generalize and abstract scientific ideas , thus generate scientific innovations .

  7. 中学生的生活经验有所欠缺,审美想象也有局限,所以审美体验会受限制。

    Besides , secondary school students have a lack of life experience ; they also have limitations of aesthetic imagination which of course make the aesthetic experience restricted .

  8. 实验得出以下结论:1.幼儿欣赏不同形式的绘画作品,审美想象存在显著性差异,欣赏抽象画比欣赏具象画,表现出更为丰富的审美想象。

    When children appreciated the different forms paintings , their aesthetic imagination exist significant differences . Appreciated the abstract paintings , children show a more rich aesthetic imagination .

  9. 阅读张爱玲不仅为学者提供了多层面的研究视角和审美想象空间,而且为一般读者带来阅读快感和感官享受。

    Reading her not only provide many research fields and esthetic space for scholar , but also provide excitement of reading and enjoyment of sense for common readers .

  10. 从主题和形式的交互作用来看,幼儿欣赏主题熟悉的抽象画,表现出最丰富的审美想象,欣赏主题陌生的具象画表现出最贫乏的审美想象。

    From the perspective of themes and forms of interaction , when children appreciated the abstract paintings of familiar theme , they showed the most abundant aesthetic imagination .

  11. 语文教师的人文精神,就是在人文文化与科技文化、批判精神与生命关怀、逻辑思辨与审美想象三个方面谋求融通共建。

    Humanistic spirit of Chinese teachers means the harmonious construction of humanistic culture and scientific culture , criticizing spirit and life care , logical thinking and aesthetic imagination .

  12. 为保证审美想象的形成和审美理解的实现,文学翻译在文本与意义之间须保持适度间距。

    To ensure the formation of aesthetic imagination and the attainment of aesthetic understanding , maintaining moderate spaces between text and meaning is a necessity for literary translation .

  13. 幼儿欣赏不同主题的绘画作品,审美想象的表现不存在显著差异。

    But in the emotional dimension did not show significant differences . 2 . When children appreciated the different themes paintings , their aesthetic imagination have no significant difference .

  14. 审美想象作为一种最具自由品格的创造性心理形式,广泛存在于人类的一切审美活动之中,尤其是在艺术和科学领域。

    As the most free creatively mental representation , aesthetic imagination exists in all aspects of human being 's aesthetic activity , especially in the fields of art and science .

  15. 只有审美想象的自由才是真正的自由,也才是人的本质的最大可能的实现。只有人的自由本质的最大可能的实现,才可能有自由和谐的文化与文明。

    Only aesthetic freedom is just real freedom , which means to realize human essence furthest ; only human essence realizes furthest , we can have free , harmonious culture and civilization .

  16. 与英国经验主义美学相比,大陆理性主义美学没有取得令人称道的成就,其原因是专制主义政治和理性主义哲学否定了审美想象的独特地位和文艺的审美价值。

    European rationalistic aesthetics has not made so great achievements as British empiricist aesthetics , because the political dictatorship and rationalism denied the special function of imagination and hence the artistic value of imagination .

  17. 在阐明科学审美想象的涵义及其与艺术审美想象区别的基础上,揭示了科学审美想象在科学研究和创新活动中几个方面的功用。

    Based on the illustration of the meaning of scientific aesthetic imagination and of its difference from artistic aesthetic imagination , this paper reveals the functions of scientific aesthetic imagination in scientific research and innovation .

  18. 到了刘勰的窥意象而运斤之说,意象才真正成了艺术实践中的美学范畴,具有审美想象中的形象的意义。

    It was when Liu Xie brought forward " observing image to conceive in mind " that the concept of image became an aesthetic category in artistic practice , and image had visual meanings in aesthetic appreciation .

  19. 云南少数民族的创世史诗、创世古歌、叙事长诗等口传典范,汇集了关于女性身体形象、行为形态和角色气质等方面的社会群体的审美想象。

    The oral models including genesis epics , the ancient genesis ballads and narrative poems bring together the social groups ' aesthetic imagination about the female body images , behavior forms and characters ' temperament and so on .

  20. 论审美想象的图式理论本文根据审美教育的理论,探讨在高职英语中如何进行英语审美化教学,培养学生的英语语言能力。

    This paper emphasizes the necessity of reforming the traditional English teaching in higher vocational schools according to the theory of aesthetic education and discusses the ways of how to practise the aesthetic approaches to English teaching to improve the students ' communicative competence .

  21. 色彩的审美性、想象性、象征性本质特征,为色彩介入到文学中来,提供了一个开放性的话语系统与审美空间。

    The aesthetic value , imaginary value and symbolic value together provide an open discourse system and aesthetic space for this involvement .

  22. 文学空间理论以生存-实践论哲学为基点,致力于拓展空间的体验性、审美性、想象性和表征性。

    Literature space theories started from Existential-Practical Philosophy and are dedicated to expanding experience , esthetics , imagination and representation of space .

  23. 加强对与音乐相关项目运动员音乐素质的培养,将有助于提高他们的审美能力、想象能力、创造能力和表现能力,从而提高他们的专项运动成绩。

    Emphasizing on developing athlete ′ s aptitude whose events related to music to improve their aesthetic ability , imaginative ability , creative ability , expressive ability and their special sports performance .

  24. 本文作者认为,中国古典诗歌的翻译应保留与原作类似的空白结构,给译文读者留下重构文本的机会和发挥自身审美能力的想象空间。

    The author of the thesis believes that gaps in classical Chinese poetry should be properly preserved in the translation to give TL readers the chance to reconstruct the text and give full play to their imagination .

  25. 审美创造中的想象功能

    Imaginative Function in Aesthetic Creation

  26. 与一般的日常知觉相比,审美直观更多以想象这一直观行为为主要内容。

    Compared with the general daily perception , aesthetic intuition more takes phantasy as the primary intuitive act .

  27. 审美过程中的想象、情感及理解都是以视觉审美和视觉表现为基础的。

    The imagination , emotion and understanding in aesthetic process are all based on visual aesthetics and visual performance .

  28. 由于现代批评才能的一种特殊缺点,我们往往有把审美的原始现象想象得太复杂太抽象的偏向。

    It is our peculiar modem weakness to see all primitive aesthetic phenomena in too complicated and abstract a way .

  29. 文章从美育的感性内涵、审美直觉和审美想象及联想的感性存在方式及其与创新内在关联等方面论述了其对人们创新能力形成的重要作用。

    This article discusses its important functions of the cultivation of creative thinking ability from the perspective of aesthetic education .

  30. 确切地说,审美直观是以想象为中心,以感知为边缘来进行组织的。

    Accurately speaking , aesthetic intuition takes the phantasy as the center and the perception as the edge to organize itself .