
  • 网络aesthetic cognition
  1. 移情是人们审美认知必然要经历的心理过程。

    Empathy is a psychological process people must go through in their aesthetic cognition .

  2. 《天下无贼》与《盲井》解析&兼谈商业电影与艺术电影的审美认知

    An Analysis of A World without Thieves and The Blind Well & Concurrently on the Aesthetic Cognition of Commercial and Artistic Films

  3. 而他们却也是审美认知队伍里的一员。

    They are also the aesthetic of a cognitive ranks .

  4. 强化审美认知过程,提高鉴赏水平;

    Enhance to appreciate beauty cognition process , the exaltation appreciate level ;

  5. 建筑的审美认知及创作

    The Recognition of Aesthetic and Creation of Architecture

  6. 国外关于审美认知发展阶段的两种理论及其对青少年审美认知的研究成果表明:青少年审美认知发展的三个倾向是:从具体到抽象,从题材到形式,从形式刺激到形式表现。

    Two theories and three tendencies of aesthetic cognitive development are at the same time introduced .

  7. 网络技术的迅猛发展,不仅对艺术实践而且对艺术评价或审美认知,都产生了重要影响。

    The rapid development of network technology makes a great impact on both art practice and art reviews .

  8. 他的思维基质是感应思维,一种源于商州民间信仰文化的濡染的,与“灵&实”关系选择密切相关的审美认知方式。

    The basis for his thinking is responsive thinking , which derives from the influence of the folk faith in Shangzhou Region .

  9. 这是传播媒介、审美认知结构、传播环境等因素的共同作用。

    This is the mass media , aesthetic , cognitive structure , the dissemination of environmental factors such as the common role .

  10. 联想意义潜伏在语义的底层,是审美认知中感性思维的载体。她有独特的审美感。

    Associative meaning lies on the bottom layer and it conveys intuitive and aesthetic meaning . She has a special eye for beauty .

  11. 第二章,审美认知子过程。这是一个要认知文学文木的审美结构的过程。

    The second chapter is to study the subprocess of aesthetic cognition in which the translator gets to know the aesthetic information of the original .

  12. 同时还对审美认知子过程的基本流程,审美认知子过程的基本特征等问题进行了研究。第三章,审美整合子过程。

    The following questions are also taken into consideration : the basic process of the translator 's aesthetic cognition as well as the characteristics of this subprocess .

  13. 在充分肯定其实用功能的同时,着重强调彩画艺术的审美认知、审美教育、审美娱乐和文化传承功能。

    While affirming fully and actually using the function , emphasize aesthetic cognition , aesthetic education , aesthetic amusement and cultural continuity function of the colored pattern emphatically .

  14. 男性与女性对女性人体美的审美认知一致,但是男性对人体美的要求明显高于女性。

    Male viewers had the same perception in female physical attractiveness as female viewers , but male viewers had higher requirements on female physical attriveness than female viewers .

  15. 主要包含对扭转形式的基本认知、构成认知、审美认知和发展历程的认知等四个方面。

    Contain four the following aspect content mainly : fundamental cognition , composing cognition , appreciation of the beauty cognition and developing course cognition to the torsion form .

  16. 定量的、理性化的色彩调和理论所提供的配色基于大众的审美认知,能为设计师提供和谐配色方案,容易为广大消费者所认可。

    The rational color arrangement theory which based on people 's esthetic cognition can provide for the designer harmonious color matches , and be easily approved for the consumers .

  17. 基于潜在语义索引及层次聚类特征空间重构方法与应用研究联想意义潜伏在语义的底层,是审美认知中感性思维的载体。

    Latent Semantic Index and Hierarchical Clustering Based Feature Space Reconstruction Method and Application Research Associative meaning lies on the bottom layer and it conveys intuitive and aesthetic meaning .

  18. 审美认知长期被公认为是直觉而非逻辑的,因此而与科学认知形成明显分界线。

    It is a widely accepted idea that aesthetic cognition is quite different from scientific cognition on the assumption that the former is a process of intuition , rather than a logical one .

  19. 事实上如果我们从当时的意识形态、审美认知、生命意识等深层次去研究,就会重新审视清代雕塑的历史地位。

    In fact if we from then ideology , the esthetic cognition , life consciousness and so on the deep level studied , could recarefully examine the Qing Dynasty sculpture the historical status .

  20. 在如何有效地将产品与消费者的审美认知偏好更好地在设计中进行结合,这在以消费者需求为导向的现代产品设计中是一个迫切需要解决的问题。

    In the consumer demand-oriented modern product design , how to effectively combine the product design with the aesthetic perception and preference of the consumers is a problem urgently required to be addressed .

  21. 掌握整体化思想方法有利于培养学生的直觉思维能力和辨证唯物主义观点,发展学生的思维品质和审美认知能力;

    Grasping integral thoughtway will help the students to train their own intuitive capability of thought , dialectical materialist point of view , quality of thought and capability of appreciating beauty and recognizing things .

  22. 对山脉的特征和人们的审美认知进行了阐述,并按人的审美过程对川西贡嘎山进行了美学分析,从而提出新的审美标准。

    At the same time , Gongga Mountain is analysed from aesthetic angle on the basis of the course of people 's cognition . In the end , a new aesthetic standards of mountain 's beauty is offered .

  23. 和其他艺术门类一样,电影能够通过创作、生产、消费等活动传达创作者对社会的理解,寓教于乐,使之所具有的审美认知、教育、娱乐功能发挥作用。

    As the same as other art forms , film transmits the producer ' understandings to society through activities of invent , produce and consumption . It can also play the function of taste perceive , education and entertainment .

  24. 通过将两组被试的实验结果进行统计分析,结果表明:(1)美术专业学生的审美认知与普通专业学生之间差异非常显著。

    We made statistic and analysis on the results of the two subjects ' response , the results show that : ( 1 ) There is being significantly difference between the professional students and non-professional students in their aesthetic cognition .

  25. 就其内在规定性而言,它是一种以汉语言为表述媒介,以诗性智慧为审美认知图式,以中国民族的生命自由活动为研究对象的美学叙事方式。

    According to its inner regulation , it is a narrative way of esthetics through the medium of Chinese , regarding poetic wisdom as the esthetic cognitive graphic mode , and the free action of life of Chinese nationality as its study object .

  26. 广告语翻译的审美心理认知

    The Esthetic Psychological Cognition of Advertisement Language Translation

  27. 在《海上花列传》的上海叙事中,上海最早被作为一个全新的审美和认知空间来独立对待。

    In the novel Biographies of Prostitutes of Shanghai , Shanghai is first used as a new aesthetic and cognitive space for separate treatments .

  28. 先锋小说家对审美对象的认知把握是通过感知方式来进行的。

    Pioneer Novelists understand and grasp the aesthetic objects through their individual ways .

  29. 外国诗歌审美通感的认知机制与体验哲学

    Analysis of Cognitive Mechanism of Synaesthetic Metaphor in Foreign Poems from the Perspective of Embodied Philosophy

  30. 现代图形设计主要以视觉形象承载信息传递的职能进行文化沟通,具有符号化特征的图形艺术,既有抽象功能,又有表现性,反映着审美意向的认知。

    A main function of modern graphic design is communication via visual figure and image . Graphic arts with symbolic features are not only abstract but also expressible . It reflects cognition of aesthetic intention .