
  • 网络industrial art
  1. 论述了高职工业美术设计类专业素描基础教学的课程设置原则和教学内容基本框架。

    This paper expounds the principles of course setting and the basic structure of teaching content on sketch teaching of industrial art design in technical institute of higher learning .

  2. 关于工业美术美学问题&兼谈涂装技术与工业美术美学的关系传统工业基地技改贷款的市场、政策与制度约束

    Credit Market , Policy and Institutional Arrangement for Traditional Industrial Cities

  3. 教授机械技术、工业美术和应用自然科学的学校。

    A school teaching mechanical and industrial arts and the applied sciences .

  4. 本文介绍了工业美术美学的发展历史,指出当前工业美术美学由为宇航、军工服务,已转向为整个工业服务的趋向。

    This paper introduces history , trends and ten elementary aspects of industrial aesthetics .

  5. 但苏绣是一种特殊的手工业,是工艺美术手工业,在审美和情趣方面具有不同于一般手工业的独特表现。

    However , Suzhou embroidery is a special handicraft , a combined form of art and handicraft , with unique aesthetic and temperamental features different from general handicraft .

  6. 装饰艺术与人们的日常生活联系广泛,它涵盖了绘画、雕塑、环境艺术、工业产品、民间美术等众多领域。

    Decoration art plays a very important role in our daily life . It includes painting , sculpture , environmental art , industrial products , folk art and so on .