
  • 网络Men at Work
  1. 他们是为东印度公司工作的男劳工。

    They were men who worked for the East India Company .

  2. 跟懒散男完全相反的是工作狂男。

    The complete opposite to the lazy slob is the type A overachiever .

  3. 研究表明,为一个女经理工作的男员工比女员工得到的辅导和支持更多。

    Research shows men who report to a female manager get much more mentoring and support than their female colleagues .

  4. 我也想做这样的工作。男:你觉得这份工作最棒的地方是?

    I thought I 'd like to do that myself . M : What 's the best part of your job ?

  5. 独立研究咨询机构波耐蒙研究所的一项新研究称,女职员工作比男职员更努力,工作时间也更长。

    Women employees work harder and longer than men do , according to a new study by independent research consultancy the Ponemon Institute .

  6. 通过开着的窗子她可以看见穿着工作围腰的男男女女在那里忙忙碌碌地走来走去。

    Through the open windows she could see the figures of men and women in working aprons , moving busily about .

  7. 寻找好工作的酒吧男招待和服务员并不少-但是他们中很多人从来没有冲泡过一杯咖啡。

    There is no lack of barmen and waiters looking for good jobs-but most of them have never made a cup of coffee in their lives .

  8. 当她们穿着黑色、白色、绿色、蓝色或黄色的T恤工作时,男顾客和女顾客给的小费基本相同。

    When wearing either black , white , green , blue or yellow tee shirts , the size of the tips from both male and female customers was almost identical .

  9. 但是,当她们穿着红色T恤工作时,男顾客给的小费增加了15-26%,而女顾客给的小费还是不变。

    But when they wore red , the size of the gratuities went up by between 15 and 26 per cent from male customers , yet stayed the same from female ones .

  10. 你有完美的工作、完美的男朋友。

    Your perfect job , perfect boyfriend .

  11. 我不会因为我们之间的关系把这个工作给我的男朋友。

    I 'm not going to give my boyfriend the job just because of our relationship .

  12. 卡瑞娜:我的生活最近发生了许多事工作、家庭还有男朋友。

    Karina : There 's a lot going on in my life right now ? work , family , boyfriend .

  13. 布里顿还抱怨说自己每天要花30分钟以上用来梳洗准备才能去工作,而她的男朋友“开门就能去上班”。

    Brittain complained that she has to spend more than 30 minutes getting ready for work while her boyfriend " zip [ s ] out the door . "

  14. 例如,那些妻子整天工作的家庭妇男,同那些与妻子赚钱相当的男性相比,有外遇的几率要大五倍。

    For instance , house husbands whose wives worked all day were five times more likely to have an affair than those who contributed an equal amount of money to the partnership .

  15. “石墙”研究表明,在这样的环境里工作的女同性恋、男同性恋和双性恋员工发现,他们很难和同事发展工作关系,信心和创造力也受到影响。

    Stonewall research found that lesbian , gay and bisexual staff who worked in such environments found it difficult to develop working relationships with colleagues , with their confidence and creativity suffering .

  16. 在租来的单间里就能完成的微不足道的工作;微不足道的男演员。当自身利益的程度与社会目标不甚吻合,不足以引发行为时,营销就成了合适的行为。

    A nickel-and-dime operation run out of a single rented room ; a small-time actor . Marketing will be appropriate when the level of self-interest is insufficiently consistent with societal goals to elicit behavior .

  17. 瓜哈尔多曾用手机打电话给机场,要求工作人员告诉她的男朋友,他的父亲重病,但是这招没能奏效。她再次给机场打电话,说客机中安有一枚炸弹。

    Guajardo had called the airport from her mobile phone demanding that authorities told her boyfriend that his father was seriously ill ; when that failed to work she made another call claiming there was a bomb on the plane .

  18. 女:远程工作不会让管理人员难以开展他们的工作吗?男:远程工作确实改变了管理工作的本质。

    Woman : Doesn 't remote working make it difficult for managers to carry out their work ? Man : It certainly changes its nature .