
  • 网络power frequency electromagnetic field
  1. 工频电磁场生理危害的研究进展

    A review on the study on power frequency electromagnetic field hazards to organisms

  2. 50家企业工频电磁场职业暴露现况调查

    Investigation on occupational exposure to power frequency electromagnetic field in 50 factories

  3. [结论]工频电磁场对不同工种的铁路作业人员的免疫系统和外周血淋巴细胞DNA损伤产生不同的影响。

    [ Conclusion ] Ultra low frequency electromagnetic field would be harmful to immune system and lymphocyte DNA of electric railway workers .

  4. 关于500kV变电站工频电磁场强度的研究

    Research on power-frequency electromagnetic field intensity in 500 kV substations

  5. 500kV变电站工频电磁场强度分布特点及防护措施

    Discussion on Protective Measures and Distributing features of 500 kV Substation Power Frequency Magnetic Fields

  6. 220kV高压输电线路的工频电磁场和无线电干扰污染

    Pollution of electro-magnetical fields and radio disturbed fields of 50 Hz-220 kV high tension line

  7. 110kV同塔双回交流输电线路工频电磁场分布规律研究

    Research on Power Frequency Electromagnetic Distribution Law of 110 kV Double-circuit AC Transmission Lines on the Same Tower

  8. 为探讨工频电磁场对人体健康的影响,对500kV架空送电线路周围空间工频磁场的分布进行研究。

    With 500 kV transmission lines becoming the trunk networks in China , the harmful affects of power frequency electric and magnetic field on human body is more and more concerned since early 1960s .

  9. 工频电磁场辐射检测标准的现状及检测点设置的探讨25~100MHz频段闪电脉冲辐射能量频谱特征

    The Standard Actuality of the Power Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Study of the Determining Spot in its Examining LIGHTNING ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION FIELD SPECTRA IN THE INTERVAL FROM 25 TO 100 MHz

  10. 目的:分析工频电磁场对体外培养的小鼠骨髓间充质干细胞骨形态发生蛋白2和转化生长因子β1mRNA表达的影响。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the effect of power-frequency EMF on mRNA expressions of bone morphogenetic protein-2 ( BMP-2 ) and transforming growth factor-beta 1 ( TGF - β 1 ) in mouse bone marrow MSCs cultured in vitro .

  11. 结果表明,220kV/110kV四回路杆塔形式对周边楼房室内外环境影响较大,当两者相距60m以外时,楼房室内外工频电磁场环境将有较大改善;

    Result indicate 220 kV / 110 kV four return circuit pole tower forms exert a great influence on internal and external environment of room of peripheral building , when in the two beyond 60m apart , building room internal and external power-frequency electric magnetic field environment have heavy improvement ;

  12. 结果表明:在工频电磁场作用下,紫铜管坯的表面质量得到了一定的改善,励磁电流为140A时,表面粗糙度由120μm降到90μm;

    The results indicate that high quality copper hollow billet can be obtained by the application of electromagnetic field during horizontal continuous casting . When the imposed current is 140 A , surface roughness decreases from 120 μ m to 90 μ m.

  13. 谈工频电磁场对人体健康的危害

    Harm on Human 's Health Caused by Power Frequency Electromagnetic Field

  14. 重庆市典型变电站站场外工频电磁场实测分析

    Analysis of Actual Measurement of Electromagnetic Environment of Substations in Chongqing Area

  15. 工频电磁场对人体免疫功能的作用

    The effects of electromagnetic field on human immune function

  16. 建筑物中的工频电磁场越来越受到人们的关注。

    The power-frequency electromagnetic fields in buildings are increasing paid attention by people .

  17. 工频电磁场对人体的影响及相关标准分析

    Review on Influence of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields on Human Body

  18. 居民住宅区内工频电磁场对人体影响分析

    Analysis of Effects from Power-frequency Electromagnetic Field on Human Beings in the Residential Area

  19. 各国工频电磁场的限值及其确定的依据

    Values and Rationales of Limits of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields in Various Countries

  20. 发电与高压输变电工程的工频电磁场现状及防护

    The Status of Power-frequency Electromagnetic Fields from Power Plant and HV Transmission and Transfer Power Engineering

  21. 长隧道电力牵引高压工频电磁场的卫生学评价

    Hygienic Assessment of ELF Electromagnetic Fields under Electronic Tractive High & voltage Line in Railway Long-tunnel

  22. [目的]探讨铁路电力牵引工频电磁场对不同工种的铁路作业人员的健康影响。

    To study the health effects of railway workers exposed to ultra low frequency electromagnetic field .

  23. 工频电磁场干扰及其卫生防护

    EMI of Power and Health Protection

  24. 通过优化布置导线布置方式,可以大幅度降低输电线路工频电磁场的影响。

    By optimizing the layout way of the cable , it can significantly reduce the impact of frequency electromagnetic .

  25. 工频电磁场对人体T淋巴细胞核仁区酸性非组蛋白活性表达影响的研究

    Effect of Frequency Electromagnetic Field on the Expression of Nucleolar Organizer Regions Associated Protein of T Lymphocytes in Human Body

  26. 对输变电工程工频电磁场、无线电干扰进行了理论分析,指出输变电工程工频电磁场是感应场,而非辐射场。

    Theoretical analysis is conducted for the power frequency electromagnetic field and radio interference in power transmission & distribution project .

  27. 探讨了超高压送电线路下方空间电磁环境问题,主要就超高压送电线路辐射工频电磁场进行论述。

    We discuss Electromagnetic Environment below Super voltage Lines , mainly focus on power frequency electromagnetic field from Super voltage Lines .

  28. 通过测量这些区域的工频电磁场场强,我们发现,在不同的区域中,由于受不同介质的影响,电磁场表现为不同的分布形态和大小。

    By the measurement of the electromagnetic fields in these regions , we find that the field presents the different distribution state and magnitude .

  29. 研究结果显示儿童急性淋巴性白血病的生存机会的减少与工频电磁场辐照有很强的关联。

    Results of the study show a significant association between power-frequency magnetic field exposure and reduced disease-free survival for children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia .

  30. 高压输电线中的电流辐射产生的工频电磁场会对附近的埋地管线感应出交流电压,并引起交流腐蚀。

    Current high-voltage transmission lines in the frequency of radiation on the electromagnetic field near a buried pipeline induced voltage communicate and cause corrosion .