
  • 网络Power frequency transformer;Industrial Frequency Transformer
  1. 不用工频变压器的50Hz逆变电源

    A 50 Hz Sine Invertor Without Matching Power frequency Transformer

  2. 研究了离网型逆变器,采用电压型单相桥式逆变电路,结合工频变压器和LC滤波电路将直流电逆变成交流电供给交流负载。

    Studied off-grid inverter , using voltage-mode single-phase bridge inverter circuit , combined with frequency transformer and LC filter circuit to direct current into alternating current then supply AC load reverse .

  3. 用计算机模拟工频变压器产生操作波

    Computer Simulation of Generation of Switching Impulse by Transformer

  4. 无工频变压器的谐振式开关稳压电源的研究

    On the Technique of Resonant Transformerless Switching-mode Power Supplies

  5. 无工频变压器开关电源的原理及常见故障分析

    Principle and Trouble Shooting of a Switching Power Supply Unit Without Using Utility Power Transformer

  6. 产品特点本充电器为标准充电器,其核心元器件为工频变压器。

    Product Feature The charger is standard , its core component is power frequency transformer .

  7. 变换器调压方案省略了铜、铁损耗大的工频变压器,提高了电源的效率,减小了电源的体积和重量,而且调压精度较高。

    This scheme can reduce the bulk and weight of the power supply , and can improve its efficiency .

  8. 同时高频技术让高频变压器取代了工频变压器,不但降低了成本而且减小了体积。

    At the same time high-frequency technology makes high-frequency transformers replace the frequency transformers , which not only reduces costs but also reduces the volume .

  9. 传统车载自备电源一般采用带工频变压器的逆变器方案,它存在诸多缺陷如体积大、效率低等。

    Traditional vehicle-owned power supply usually use the inverters with the general frequency transformer , which brings many shortcomings such as the large volume and low efficiency .

  10. 传统高压脉冲电源一般以整流电路和工频变压器为基础,采用旋转火花隙开关或磁压缩开关研制而成。

    The conventional high-voltage pulse power supply generally based on rectifier circuit and frequency transformer , then used the rotary spark gap switches or magnetic compression switch for high-voltage pulse .

  11. 这种结构使用高频变压器隔离取代了目前斩波电路中的工频变压器隔离,使得隔离变压器体积和重量大大减小。

    High frequency isolation transformer was used in this structure to replace the current power frequency isolation transformer , so the weight and volume of the isolation transformer was greatly reduced .

  12. 本文对电除尘器用常规高压脉冲供电装置进行了改进,研制出一种只使用一台专用工频变压器的脉冲供电电源,该装置可节省一台变压器,并且其结构简单、成本低廉。

    This paper has improved the conventional high-voltage pulse power supply instrument used in electrical precipita-tors , developed a new pulse power supply instrument which has used only one special industrial-freqency transformer .

  13. 本文以大功率无工频变压器级联式多电平变换器的级联整流级为研究对象,对单相、相整流级的建模与控制进行了深入的讨论。

    This paper takes the cascaded H-Bridges rectifier ( CHBR ) stage of cascaded multi-level converter without line-frequency transformer as research subject . The control methods and mathematical models of its single-phase and three-phase system are thorough discussed .

  14. 本文介绍了高频链变压器和谐振软开关技术在逆变电源上的应用,使用高频链变压器代替了传统的工频变压器,大大提高了电源的功率密度,降低了噪声,提高了可靠性。

    In this paper , a detailed introduction of the application of high frequency link transformer in the sine inverter power supply is given . To use the high frequency link transformer instead of silicon-steel transformer which is traditionally and widely used , the higher power-density and reliability are achieved .

  15. 单片开关电源(即AC/DC芯片)集成电路具有高集成度、高性价比、简单外围电路、优越性能指标等优点,能构成高效率无工频变压器的隔离式开关电源。

    Single-chip switch power supply ( AC / DC power IC ) has many virtues such as high integration level , most cost effective , lowest component count switcher solution and high performance . Its being used can form high efficiency insulated switch power supply without using utility power transformer .

  16. 工频试验变压器快速保护装置中限流电抗器的参数选择

    Optimization of Current Limiting Chokes in Quick Protection Device of Test Transformer

  17. 单元串联型多电平高压变频器的研究与设计串级工频试验变压器

    Research and Design of the Cell Series Multi-level High Voltage Frequency Inverter ; cascade power-frequency testing transformer

  18. 串级工频试验变压器

    Cascade power-frequency testing transformer

  19. YDJC-9000/2250工频试验变压器调试和升压技术的试验研究

    The Test for YDJC & 9000 / 2250 Cascade Testing Transformer and Experimental Investigation on Technique of Boosted Voltage with Cascade

  20. 该变换系统取代了传统交直交传动系统中的交-直变换环节,取消了工频牵引变压器,为牵引逆变器提供了稳定直流电压。

    The conversion system is mainly used to replace the AC / DC conversion aspects of traditional AC / DC / AC traction system , to achieve the cancellation of the power frequency transformer , to provide a stable DC voltage for traction inverter .

  21. 并针对斩波电路中工频分量对焊接变压器正常工作的影响进行了分析,通过试验选取合适的串联电容,有效的降低了变压器两端的工频电压及空载电流。

    Effect of power supply frequency to the welding transformer in the main circuit has been analyzed , and , through lab testing , appropriate series capacitance has been selected , which effectively reduce power voltage and no-load current of the transformer .