
  1. 工业设计软件讲座第二讲CAE在冰箱助吸器疲劳寿命设计中的应用(一)

    Application of CAE in Failure Life Design of the Part Aided to Tighten Refrigerator 's Door ( 1 )

  2. 工业设计软件中的自由曲面重构解析

    Rebuilding of Freeform Surface with Industrial Design Software

  3. 本文讨论了如何运用犀牛这一强大的计算机辅助工业设计软件在产品设计中进行建模和渲染,以方便的进行设计表达。

    This paper discusses how to use a powerful CAID software , Rhino , to sketch , model , and render in the process of product design .

  4. 工业锅炉设计计算软件包的开发

    Development on industrial boiler computer aided design calculating software

  5. 自从1995年毕业于拉合尔工程技术大学(UniversityofEngineeringandTechnology,Lahore)电子工程专业以后,他就开始为工业控制系统设计各种软件解决方案。

    After graduating in Electronics Engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology , Lahore , in1995 , he began designing software solutions for industrial control systems .

  6. 基于该模型和方法开发的工业货架设计分析系统软件具有进行货架规划设计、有限元分析和工程报价的功能,可以自动生成规划设计报告、有限元分析报告、CAD设计图纸和工程报价清单。

    We developed an industrial rack design and analysis system based on these models and design methods . This software has some basic functions , such as rack planning and design , finite analysis and project pricing .

  7. 字符变形算法是图形变换的一个分支,随着工业自动化的不断推进和设计工艺的不断现代化,它在工业领域尤其是工业设计软件中将拥有很广泛的应用前景。

    Character deformation is one of the branches of the graphics transformation and with the development and modernization of industrial automation and design technology , it will have a big application foreground in the industrial design software .