
  1. 其它能反映单耗、净耗和工艺损耗情况的资料。

    Other materials that can reflect unit consumption , net consumption and technical consumption .

  2. 其次介绍了光纤准直器的原理、制作工艺、插入损耗和回波损耗的测量方法等内容,并提出了光纤准直器性能改进方法。

    Secondly , this article introduces the optical collimator 's principle fabrication insert loss and return loss , and brings forward the improvement methods of the optical collimator .

  3. 该测量方法为亚微米SOI脊形波导损耗的研究提供了重要的研究手段,损耗测量结果为今后在相同工艺条件下进行损耗研究确立了基本的衡量标准。

    The measurement method would be an important tool to study the submicron-size SOI rib waveguide loss . A general loss standard has been established according to the results of loss measurement for the study of waveguide loss under the similar process conditions . 5 .

  4. 利用电场辅助两步离子交换工艺制作了低损耗的单模掩埋波导,并在此基础上制作出了基本达到产品标准的1x8/16/32功分器。

    In the use of it , we realize the low-loss buried single-mode waveguide and 1x8 / 16 / 32 power splitter which have partially reached production standard .

  5. 重介质选煤工艺中磁铁矿粉损耗的考查研究

    Investigation on the Loss of Magnetite Powder in Heavy Media Separation of Coal

  6. 并且优化光纤熔接工艺,降低光纤损耗。

    Optimization of optical fiber fusion process , reduce the loss of the optical fiber .

  7. 他们主要从加工工艺着手减少电极损耗,或者设计复杂的检测系统,先检测电极损耗量再给予补偿。

    They paid attention on processing technology to reduce wastage . Or design complicated detection and measurement system , and detect wastage and then feedback compensate .

  8. 声光可调谐滤波器具有制作工艺简单、插入损耗低、调谐范围宽、高速连续电调谐、多波长独立操作的优点,因而在未来全光网络中具有广泛的应用前景。

    With the advantages such as simplicity in manufacturing , low insertion loss , broad tuning range , high speed continual electric tuning and simultaneous multiple channel filtering , they have promising prospect in the future all optic networks .

  9. 介绍了简要的工艺流程,附加损耗、分光比和消光比等技术性能指标,计算方法和测试结果,以及在低温、高温、振动、冲击和浸渍等环境条件下的光学稳定性。

    The technology process , specifications such as excess loss , coupling ratio and polarization extinction , calculation and measurements are also presented . The coupler has good optical stability under environment of low and high temperature , vibration , shock etc.