
  • 网络flash coating
  1. 金属薄镀层涡流测厚技术研究

    Eddy Current Thickness Measurement of the Thin Metal Cladding on Metal Base

  2. 文中给出了一个(0.4×0.4)m2无金属镀层的座舱风挡玻璃和带有薄金属镀层的风挡玻璃的RCS结果,证明了此种低RCS座舱罩的隐身性能。

    Approximation . A practical example of the RCS of a ( 0.4 × 0.4 ) m2 windscreen glass with and without thin metal layer has been given to verify the stealth feature of the low RCS canopy of the cockpit .

  3. 铁基粉末冶金薄铜镀层零件的防腐蚀

    Corrosion Prevention of Fe-Base Powder Metallurgical Parts With Thin Copper Deposition

  4. 从而为工业领域中薄金属镀层厚度的测量提出了一条行之有效的解决途径。

    An available method of the thickness measurement of thin metal cladding on metal base has been obtained .

  5. 该系统用于标准样厚度测定,其结果表明,所开发的系统用于薄金属镀层测厚是可行的,达到了测量所需精度(1μ±3%测量值)、系统稳定性好。

    The experimental results on measuring thickness of reference by means of the developed system show that the system is feasible for measuring the thickness of thin cladding with good accuracy ( lum ? 3 % H ) and stability .

  6. 认为厚铜薄镍镀层组合可以得到双层镍铬镀层一样的耐蚀性,还可根据产品使用条件,选用光亮低锡青铜可部分代铜或节镍;

    Thick Cu plus thin Ni coatings are considered to have the same corrosion resistance as dual Ni coatings , while bright low Sn-bronze also may be partly substituted for Cu and save Ni , ac - cording to the service conditions of products .

  7. 本文系统地分析了薄金属镀层与基体金属各种特性对阻抗曲线的影响,得出了金属镀层厚度与阻抗曲线的关系,建立了涡流测厚的数学模型。

    In this paper , the influence of the properties of thin metal cladding and metal base on impedance curve was systematically discussed , and the relationship between thickness of a cladding and impedance ( voltage ) was given , furthermore a mathematical model was set up .

  8. 非破坏性测厚虽有射线、超声、磁感应、电磁涡流等多种方法,但对薄金属镀层厚度的检测,采用涡流法无疑是最有效的。

    Though many non destructive methods for thickness measurement exist , such as radial method , ultrasonic method , magnetic induced current method and eddy current method , the eddy current technique , no doubt , is the most effective method for evaluating the thickness of the thinner metal cladding .

  9. 低频透射式适于测量较薄的金属镀层或板材的厚度。

    Low-frequency penetrable eddy sensor is applicable for thickness measurement of metallic plate or that of thinner sheet .

  10. 发现摩擦系数增加,冲压力随之增加,基体与镀层在最薄处的厚度均变薄,镀层变薄较之基体更严重。

    The results showed that higher friction coefficient would increase the punch force , the thickness of the substrate and coating at thinnest parts would thinner and the thinning-rate of the coating was higher than that of the substrate .