
  • 网络Thin walled stainless steel pipe;light gauge stainless steel pipes;LGSSP
  1. 细径薄壁不锈钢管的氩弧焊接工艺

    Technology of TIG in small drive thin wall stainless steel tube

  2. 薄壁不锈钢管接头自动氩弧焊接的研究

    The Study on Welding Thin Wall Stainless Steel Pipe with Adapter

  3. 薄壁不锈钢管用于给水管道系统的论述

    Discussing of Service Pipe System Using Thin Stainless Steel Tube

  4. 薄壁不锈钢管滚珠旋压成形工艺研究

    Experimental research on ball spinning of thin-walled stainless steel tube

  5. 薄壁不锈钢管在室内燃气工程的应用

    Application of Thin-wall Stainless Steel Pipe in Indoor Gas Engineering

  6. 薄壁不锈钢管前景广阔

    The brilliant prospect for thin wall seamless steel tubes

  7. 高精度薄壁不锈钢管的冷轧工艺

    Cold-rolling process of thin-walled stainless steel pipe with high-precision

  8. 装饰用薄壁不锈钢管轧辊孔型设计

    The Pass Design of Roller for Thin Wall Stainless Steel Pipe Used for Ornament

  9. 细长薄壁不锈钢管内壁磁力研磨技术的研究

    Study on Magnetic Abrasive Finishing for inner surface of thin and long stainless steel tubing

  10. 薄壁不锈钢管在淡水冷却凝汽器空冷区的应用

    The Use of Thin-wall Stainless Steel Tubes in the Air-cooled Zone of a Fresh Water-cooled Steam Condenser

  11. 介绍了细径薄壁不锈钢管的焊接难点和制定的焊接工艺方案,通过实践证明该工艺方案能保证焊接质量,满足了石油化工中小型实验装置接管的连接。

    It introduces the difficult of welding small diameter & thin wall stainless steel tube and the welding processes , which is proved to ensure the welding quality and meet the requirements of welding medium-sized tube .

  12. 我国薄壁不锈钢管已经进入市场导入期,薄壁不锈钢管的优势十分明显,但薄壁不锈钢管也存在亟待解决的问题,比如价格太高,连接方式不统一等,本文对此进行了充分的论述。

    This paper describes that our sinicized thin wall seamless steel tubes has entered into the market , which has remarkable advantages but exists the pressing questions to be solved , such as high price , different connecting manner .

  13. 主要讨论了火力发电厂凝汽器不锈钢冷却管采用自动脉冲氩弧焊时的焊接工艺特点,为今后薄壁不锈钢管自动脉冲氩弧焊的应用提供焊接技术参考。

    The theme describes the welding technology characteristic of the stainless steel cooling pipe of condenser used automatic impulse argon-arc welding in power plant . This will provide the welding technical reference to use such condenser of thin wall stainless steel and automatic impulse argon-arc welding .