
  • 网络The Thin Ice;On Thin Ice
  1. 薄冰承不住卡车重量。

    The thin ice cannot bear truckloads .

  2. 孩子们冒险踏上薄冰,结果掉了进去

    The children venture out on the thin Ice and fall through

  3. 湖面上凝结了一层薄冰。

    A thin layer of ice formed over the lake .

  4. 记录下新的裂缝或薄冰的位置

    to record the position of new cracks or weak ice .

  5. 在薄冰上滑冰是很危险的。

    It 's very dangerous to skate on the thin ice .

  6. 货车在薄冰路面上打滑。

    The lorry skidded on a stretch of black ice .

  7. 在湖中薄冰上行走是很危险的。

    It is dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake .

  8. 薄冰上行走要走快。

    When walking on thin ice you 've got to walk fast .

  9. 路上有一层薄冰是危险的。

    A glaze of ice on the road is dangerous .

  10. 黑冰,薄冰(路面上薄而透明的冰层)

    Black ice ( thin transparent layer of ice on a road surface )

  11. 薄冰冻结的土地在春融雨淋之下漫漫地软化了。

    The sleety frozen earth began to soften under thaw and the rain .

  12. 覆盖着一层薄冰的路面和树木闪闪发光。

    Roads and trees glazed with an icy film .

  13. 湖上结了一层薄冰.薄冰承不住卡车重量。

    Thin ice filmed the lake . The thin ice cannot bear truckloads .

  14. 如果你在薄冰上行走,你将冒掉进冰窟窿的危险。

    If you walk on the thin ice you 'll risk falling through .

  15. 在薄冰上走是危险的。

    It is dangerous to walk on thin ice .

  16. 教师警告学生不要在薄冰上滑冰。

    The teacher warned the pupils not to go skating on thin ice .

  17. 寒冷的天气里他呼出的热气会在围巾上结出薄冰。

    Ice forms on his scarf as his damp breath freezes in the cold air .

  18. 网络,那是薄冰上的行走,泡沫上的舞步。

    Web surfing is like to walk on the ice , dance on the bubble .

  19. 小水池结满了薄冰。

    The small pool was caught over .

  20. 因为狗对薄冰很敏感

    because the dogs feel thin ice underfoot

  21. 几个男孩正在薄冰上溜冰,突然其中一个踏破冰层掉了下去。

    Some boys were skating on the thin ice when one of them fell through .

  22. 不靠谱的老爸老妈之二担忧:这位母亲正让自己的女儿以身犯险,步行走过危险的薄冰区域。

    Worrying : A mother puts her daughter in danger by walking across thin ice .

  23. 他冒险踏上薄冰,结果掉进冰冷的水里。

    He ventured out onto the chin ice and ended up falling into ice water .

  24. 水面上被一层薄冰覆盖着。

    The water filmed over with ice .

  25. 一片薄冰,日光斑驳冰在月光下闪闪发亮。

    A patch of thin ice ; patches of sunlight . Ice glitters in the moonlight .

  26. 河边有个布告牌,警告人们不要在薄冰上行走。

    A notice was placed by the river bank warning people to keep off the thin ice .

  27. 尽管听起来有些不可思议,但这层薄冰确实能使水果保持温暖。

    Strange as it may sound , this thin layer of ice actually keeps the fruit warm .

  28. 在薄冰上滑冰时,安全取决于速度。&爱默生

    In skating over thin ice , our safety is in our speed . & Ralph Waldo Emerson

  29. 薄冰承不住卡车重量。出口斯里兰卡客车转向架构架的强度分析

    The thin ice cannot bear truckloads . Strengh Analysis on the Railway Bogie Frame Exported to Sri Lanka

  30. 告诫汽车驾驶员今天早上要特别小心,因为许多路上有透明薄冰。

    Motorists are warned to take extra care this morning because there is black ice on many roads .