
bèi hòu yǒu rén
  • There's someone behind it;Someone else is behind;have sb. else behind
背后有人[bèi hòu yǒu rén]
  1. cele发誓会在法庭上上诉他被解雇一事,宣称zuma创办的司法调查委员会调查跟警察总部出租相关的控诉背后有人操控。

    Mr Cele has vowed to challenge his sacking in court , claiming that a judicial commission of inquiry , set up by Mr Zuma to probe allegations of sleaze relating to the lease of police headquarters , was rigged .

  2. 法庭里的一位书记员听见门背后有人在笑。

    A clerk hears laughing behind the door of a courtroom .

  3. 背后有人看我我一定知道。

    I always know when someone 's looking at me behind my back .

  4. 当我发现背后有人蹑手蹑脚地紧跟着我时,我吓的要命。

    I was scared to death when I found somebody creeping close on my heels .

  5. 他拿出预言家的影印版个人史准备开读,突然听到背后有人轻声咳嗽,不禁吓了一跳。

    He was just about to embark on reading the photocopied life history of the oracle , when he was rather startled to hear a slight cough behind him .

  6. 我知道自己的成功背后有很多人的帮助。

    I know how many people helped me to get where am .

  7. 背后会有人放冷箭。

    You all have targets on your back .

  8. 但要是你搞砸了,我可不会在意你背后有什么人。

    But if you mess up , I really don 't care who 's watching out for you .

  9. 我们得到绝对不是我就是要杀了吸血鬼这么非黑即白的答案,他肯定是背后有故事的人。

    Its not as black and white as , Oh , vampires . I want to kill em. Thats it .

  10. 在每一个统计数字的背后,有很多人被友好的以信仰为基础的团体和组织改变了命运的故事。

    Behind each of these statistics , there are stories of people whose lives have been changed by the kindness of faith-based and community organizations .

  11. 因为法律漏洞,即便在这类公司通过银行账户转移资金时,银行也未被要求知晓相关交易的背后都有什么人。

    Even when such companies move money through a bank account , banks are not required to know who is behind the transaction because of a loophole in the law .

  12. 他们知道对每一个被给钱参赛的女性来说,背后都有数百位人准备在她如果出现任何错误的时候顶替她。

    They know that for each woman being paid to play , there are hundreds ready to take her place if she makes any error .