
  • 网络Smiling Rose
  1. 今年玫瑰花开得早。

    The roses are in flower early this year .

  2. 玫瑰花开败后就把枯花摘去。

    Dead-head roses as the blooms fade .

  3. 玫瑰花开得正旺。

    Roses are in full bloom .

  4. 这些天他家花园里的玫瑰花开得正艳。

    The roses in his garden are blooming beautifully these days .

  5. 现代电影可以展示玫瑰花开的过程。(绽开)

    Modern films can show a rose unfolding .

  6. 玫瑰花开了一天就凋谢了。

    Roses opened and fell within the day .

  7. 四月的玫瑰花开在早春。

    It 's the April rose that only grows in the early spring ago .

  8. 玫瑰花开,有红有白

    The roses , red and white ,

  9. 这些玫瑰花开得真美。

    These roses have beautiful blooms .

  10. 玫瑰花开了还要谢,儿童节永远欢跃!

    Rose would also like to thank opened , the Children 's Day will never Viiv !

  11. 玫瑰花开落无芳。

    Roses free open drop-fang .

  12. 如果你真的想找到小王子,那你必须先找到一个地方-一个玫瑰园,因为小王子会在那里等待玫瑰花开,然后把玫瑰花的种子带回他的星球。

    If you really want to find the little prince , you must first look for one place-a rose garden where the little prince is waiting for the roses to bloom and then takes back the seeds to his planet .

  13. 这些玫瑰花已经开了一星期了。

    The roses have been in flower for a week .

  14. 这些玫瑰花已开败了。

    The roses are past their best now .

  15. 趁着玫瑰花还开着,你和我一道去看看好吗?

    While the roses are yet in bloom , will you come with me to see them ?

  16. 愿音乐像波特兰的玫瑰花一样开在我们的心田,永远美丽鲜艳。

    I hope music will grow in our hearts forever , like the roses are colorful and beautiful in Portland .

  17. 玫瑰花在这个夏天开得真是分外美丽!

    That summer the roses flowered in unwonted beauty .

  18. 在温暖的房屋里,玫瑰花几天后就开了。

    In the warmth of the room , the roses opened out in a few days .

  19. 这儿也很美丽:墙上画着棕榈树和枝条;院子中央长着一个盛开的大玫瑰花丛——那开满了花朵的新鲜枝子在一个坟墓上面伸展开来。

    Palms and branches were painted on the walls , and in the middle of the court stood a great blooming rose-tree spreading out its fresh boughs , covered with roses , over a grave .

  20. 第二个礼拜天又是这样,那个玻璃杯里每个礼拜天都插上了新鲜的玫瑰花,而玫瑰花丛又老是开得那样的美丽。

    the same thing happened on the following Sunday , for every Sunday fresh roses were put into the glass ; but the rose-bush bloomed as beautifully as ever .

  21. 在外面,在那些玫瑰花丛之间,一切是多么美丽啊——这些玫瑰花好像永远开不尽似的!??

    How delightful to be out in the air , near the fresh rose-bushes , that seem as if they would never finish blossoming !