
  • 网络The Rose Tattoo;Rose Dream
  1. 但最终这还是一个玫瑰色的梦,远离现实的梦。

    But it is indeed a dream faraway from the reality .

  2. 凝露的百合和玫瑰,绮梦中点点含娇的慵倦!

    A weariness comes from those dreamers , dew-dabbled , the lily and rose ;

  3. 她回忆起她玫瑰色的梦和她当时对他的印象。伯莎发现可以象逗趣一般地回忆某些往事。

    She remembered her rosy dreams and the image she had of him . Bertha found it possible to look back upon the past with something like amusement .