
  • 网络Rosengarten;rosegarden;ROSARIUM;the rose garden
  1. 此处可取名儿(为)玫瑰园。

    This place may be called Rose garden .

  2. 奶奶的玫瑰园和爸爸的菜园是好是坏也未可知,但那并不重要。

    Grandma 's rose garden and Dad 's vegetable garden might be good or bad , but that 's not what 's important .

  3. 六月的玫瑰园花团锦簇。

    The rose bushes are a mass of flowers in June .

  4. 一些游客指出,如果想参观玫瑰园和野花草地必须额外支付6.5英镑,而且需要提前预约。

    A number noted you had to pay an extra £ 6.50 for a tour of the rose garden and wildflower meadow , and this needed to be arranged in advance .

  5. 现在,Nodari利用高质量的医护,可以轻松地步行到镇上探访朋友以及在他的玫瑰园劳作。

    Now , with access to quality care , Nodari can easily walk to town to see friends and work in his rose garden .

  6. 但是只有在时间之内,那在玫瑰园中的瞬间,

    But only in time can the moment in the rose-garden ,

  7. 白宫玫瑰园里布满了保安人员。

    The White House Rose Garden was swarming with security men .

  8. 东方玫瑰园,为浪漫的心而存在!

    East rose garden be existent for a romantic heart !

  9. 玫瑰园。还是夏天来最好。

    Rose Garden . Again , better come during summer .

  10. 在举行仪式的那天,我去了玫瑰园。

    The day of the ceremony I went to the Rose Garden .

  11. 晨曦之中的维苏威火山,热那亚的玫瑰园。

    Vesuvius at dawn , the rose gardens of genoa .

  12. 他终日在他的玫瑰园里转悠消磨时光。

    He spent his days puttering in his rose garden .

  13. 天昊·玫瑰园工程场地地基适宜性评价

    Suitability Evaluation of Field Foundation for Tianhao · Meiguiyuan Engineering

  14. 远处,即将盛开的玫瑰园里。

    In the distance , in the rose garden .

  15. 玫瑰园最感兴趣的植物已繁殖到。

    Most gardeners interested in Rose propagation already have a plant in mind .

  16. 那位老太太对自己的玫瑰园引以为傲。

    The old lady takes a lot of pride in her rose garden .

  17. 沈阳世园会玫瑰园环保型能源系统的应用

    Application of Environmental Protection Energy System in Rose Garden of International Horticultural Exposition

  18. 欢迎大家来到玫瑰园参加传统的赦免感恩节火鸡的活动。

    Welcome to the Rose Garden for the pardoning of the National Thanksgiving Turkey .

  19. 我把他埋在了玫瑰园。

    I buried him in the rose garden .

  20. 玫瑰园住宅小区项目可行性研究

    Housing District Project Feasibility Research of Rose Garden

  21. 小兔有一座美丽的玫瑰园。

    A bunny has a beautiful rose garden .

  22. 他们把他可爱的玫瑰园踩坏了。

    They had trampled his lovely rose garden .

  23. 为什么要到玫瑰园来?

    Why out here in the rose garden ?

  24. 这是美国总统连续第59次在玫瑰园举行“火鸡赦免仪式”。

    This was the59th presidential pardon of the National Thanksgiving Turkey in the Rose Garden .

  25. 2006世园会玫瑰园虹吸式屋面雨水系统设计

    Design of Roof Siphonic Rainwater Drainage Systems of Rose Pavilion in 2006 International Horticultural Exposition

  26. 布什在白宫玫瑰园说,解决办法很明确。

    Speaking from the Rose Garden , Mr. Bush said there is a clear solution .

  27. 当我经过我们的玫瑰园,我动情于玫瑰-“林肯先生”的慷慨。

    As I passed our rose garden , I thrilled to the bounty of blossoms on the'Mr.

  28. 周一下午,奥巴马将在白宫的玫瑰园提出他建议。

    Obama will lay out his recommendations in the White House Rose Garden on Monday afternoon .

  29. 如果你喜欢把鲜花在室内,这个玫瑰园值得在你的切割的地方。

    If you enjoy bringing flowers indoors , this rose deserves a place in your cutting garden .

  30. 智慧玫瑰园

    Rose Garden of Wisdom