
yì jǐnɡ
  • sb. who volunteers to do police work
  1. 这一超英剧由艾力克·克莱普科担任编剧,改编自同名漫画(作者GarthEnnis及DarickRobertson),讲述了一群“义警”试图曝光超英管理集团(内幕)的故事。

    The superhero show was created by Eric Kripke and based on " TheBoys " comic books by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson.The story follows a team of vigilantes as they attempt to expose a superhero-managing conglomerate .

  2. 那个传说中的义警,那名西装男?

    Listen , that vigilante I heard about , the man in the suit ?

  3. 这种义警通常都这样。

    Often are , these vigilante types .

  4. 根据一段视频显示,这位自称义警的男人蹑手蹑脚地靠近毫无警戒的游客,把自拍杆剪成两段后迅速逃跑。

    Footage shows the self-styled vigilante creeping up on unsuspecting tourists before cutting their selfie sticks in half and legging it .

  5. 你知道吗,几年前,有一个,怎么说呢…可以算是义警吧。

    You know , a couple years ago , there was this , um ... I don 't know -- this vigilante I guess you 'd call him .

  6. 明确了能源预测要注重数据基础、方法选择和结果分析,能源预警要把握好警义、警源、警兆和排警措施等基本要素。

    The energy forecasting should focus on the database , method and result analysis . The energy warning should emphasize warning meanings , source , symbol , and mitigation measures .