
  • 网络denture restoration
  1. 松软牙槽嵴无牙颌的全口义齿修复

    Complete denture restoration on edentulous jaw with flabby alveolar ridge

  2. 术后1.5月作义齿修复。

    Permanent , denture restoration began as early as 1,5 months postoperatively .

  3. 方法:35例保留残根的半口牙列缺失患者,采用ERA全口覆盖义齿修复。

    Methods : 35 half-edentulous patients with residual roots were restored with ERA retained overdentures .

  4. ERA种植覆盖义齿修复颌骨并牙列缺损的临床评估

    Retrospective investigation of clinical application of ERA implant overdenture on jaw bone defect and dentition defect

  5. Replace种植义齿修复的临床观察

    Clinical observation of the replace implant prosthesis

  6. 目的比较应用生物功能性活动义齿修复系统(BPS)与传统方法修复全口义齿的临床效果。

    Objective To investigate the clinical effects of BPS brand complete denture .

  7. 结论部分牙列缺损伴有重度(牙合)磨耗的TMD患者,(牙合)垫式义齿修复是一种有效的治疗方法。

    Conclusion The split of denture is effective to treat dentition defect with TMD and severe occlusion attrition .

  8. Super-BondCB在固定义齿修复中的应用研究

    The Clinical Study of Super-Bond CB in the fixed Prosthesis

  9. 目的:探讨应用Super-BondCB粘结材料在固定义齿修复中的临床效果。

    Objective : To study the application of Super-Bond CB in fixed prosthesis .

  10. 方法:选择两组全口义齿修复者,实验组采用MagneticEx-600磁性附着体,并对两组全口义齿的咀嚼效率进行测试。

    Methods : Two groups were selected , one group treated with Magnetic Ex-600 attachment . Masticatory function of two groups were measured .

  11. MK1精密附着体义齿修复KennedyП类牙列缺损临床评估

    Retrospective investigation of clinical application of MK 1 universal attachment denture on Kennedy П dentition defect

  12. 目的:探索MK-1附着体可摘局部义齿修复牙列末端游离缺损病例的临床适应证。

    Objective : To explore MK-1 attachment removable partial denture adaptation at distal-extended teeth missing cases .

  13. 方法对114例失牙患者共种植各型CDIC纯钛牙种植体156枚,术后3~6月用固定种植义齿修复方法行烤瓷冠修复。

    Methods 156 CDIC dental implants were implanted to 114 cases by the authors , 3 ~ 6 months after operation , all of them were restored with fixed prosthesis .

  14. 结论:MK1精密附着体义齿修复KennedyП类牙列缺损患者,满意度明显优于普通可摘局部义齿。临床观察还提示,MK1义齿尚不致造成短期基牙牙槽骨损害。

    Conclusions : The restorative effect of MK 1 universal attachment denture was better than that with traditional removable denture on Kennedy ⅱ dentition defect , and it won 't damage alveolar bone in short term .

  15. 种植体周炎与义齿修复关系的临床观察

    Clinical observation of the relations between implant periodontitis and implant restoration

  16. 球状快套式精密附着体义齿修复磨牙游离端缺失临床体会

    Denture with easy-ball precision attachment for repairing partial depletion of molar

  17. 三种品牌人工牙在全口义齿修复中的性能比较

    The effect of three brands of artificial teeth in complete denture

  18. 方法:采用全牙列固定义齿修复技术。

    Methods : Using the technique of completely casting fixed denture .

  19. 牙列缺损伴重度磨耗的老年人可摘局部义齿修复

    Treatment of serious attrition with defect of dentition in old people

  20. 弹性义齿修复的临床效果观察

    Observation on clinical effects of flexible denture prosthesis in 4 years

  21. 带塑料插入件栓式附着体义齿修复后满意度的调查

    Investigation on satisfaction to the bolt attachment denture with plastic insertion

  22. 磁性附着体在可摘局部义齿修复中的应用

    Clinical application of Magnetic attachment in restoration of removable partial denture

  23. 全口义齿修复后辅音第二共振峰的变化

    Changes of F2 of patients with complete denture THE TWO POTS

  24. 精密附着体义齿修复下颌末端游离缺失的应力分析

    Stress analysis of precision attachment dentures for mandibular distal-extension edentulous cases

  25. 目的:评价即刻全口义齿修复效果。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical effects of immediate complete dentures .

  26. 义齿修复生理信息采集和处理的微机系统

    Microcomputer system for sampling and processing physiological information in prosthodontics

  27. 牙列缺损种植义齿修复的口腔健康相关生活质量研究

    Oral Health-related Quality of Life of Partially Edentulous Patients with Implant-supported Prostheses

  28. 在全口义齿修复中联合应用按扣式附着体与磁性附着体的探讨

    Application of stud-nap attachments and magnetic attachments in complete overdentures

  29. 附着体义齿修复游离端缺牙的生物力学分析

    Biomechanical Analysis of Distal-extension Removable Partial Dentures Retained by Attachments

  30. 可摘局部义齿修复中的医技交流质量评估

    Quality of communication between dentists and dental technicians for removable partial denture