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yì zhàn
  • just war;a war for moral principles
义战 [yì zhàn]
  • [just war] 正义的战争

义战[yì zhàn]
  1. 俄国的二月革命和十月革命是义战。

    The February and October Revolutions in Russia were just wars .

  2. 第一次世界大战后欧洲各国人民的革命是义战。

    The revolutions of the people in various European countries after World War I were just struggles .

  3. 全世界一切由人民起来反对压迫者的战争,都是义战。

    All wars anywhere in the world in which the people rise up to fight their oppressors are just struggles .

  4. 凡义战都是互相援助的,凡非义战都是应该使之转变成为义战的,这就是列宁主义的路线。

    All just wars support each other , while all unjust wars should be turned into just wars & this is the Leninist line .

  5. 于今帝国主义则更加无义战,只有被压迫民族和被压迫阶级有义战。

    This is even truer of imperialism today , for it is only the oppressed nations and the oppressed classes that can wage just wars .

  6. 第二部分讨论国家如何使用和平方式避免国际冲突:西方义战论与人道干涉论、国古典哲学义兵论坛、字军新探讨、合国和平部队。

    The second section addresses the problems of humanitarian intervention looking at both Western and Chinese thought on this topic and examining the Crusades and United Nations Peacekeeping .

  7. 二章从主题取向、美学特质两方面对陈与义战乱诗作了文本上的研究,以探求其在内容质素和艺术质素上的创新。

    I will study his aptitudes for writing in the first and second chapter in both theme choice aspect and aesthetic feeling aspect so as to find out his innovation on the elements of content and artistic style .