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  1. 其唯一的政治目的就是力求度过危机,重固统治。

    The only political purpose was to strive to turn the corner and reinforce their rule .

  2. 过时效-重固溶-再时效处理对7055铝合金组织与性能的影响

    Effect of Over-ageing and Re-solution and Re-ageing Treatment on Microstructures and Properties of 7055 Al Alloy

  3. 同时,重固溶再时效过程中仍然存在多峰现象,但时效机理有所不同。

    At the same time the7175 aluminium is of the feature of many peak strengthening too , but the mechanism of age is different .

  4. W-N-Cu重合金固溶强化的机理研究

    A study on solid solution strengthening of W-Ni-Cu heavy alloy

  5. F3为营养因子,由干物质重、可溶性固形物、vC含量组成;

    Dry matter weight , soluble solids and contents of vitamin C , constituted a nutrition factor ;

  6. 方法用α醋酸萘酯为底物,在37℃、pH6.2的酸性环境中经酶水解产生α萘酚,然后与重氮试剂固蓝B偶联反应显色测定。

    Methods When pH was 6.2 and temperature was 37 ℃,α naphthyl acetate was hydrolyzed by acid alpha naphthyl acetate esterase and it produced α naphthyl . Then colorimetric assay was performed with fast B salt diazotization reaction .

  7. 不同整形方式对果实生长和果实品质的影响表明:H形树形能显著提高果实大小、单果重和可溶性固形物含量,能提高花青苷含量,促进果实着色,降低可滴定酸含量。

    The effects of different training methods on fruit growth and fruit quality showed that : Type H can significantly increase the fruit size , fruit weight and soluble solids content , increase the anthocyanin content , improving fruit color , and reduce the content of titratable acid .

  8. 尿素适当深施可以提高百粒果重和可溶性固形物含量。

    Fertilizing depth properly could improve fruit weight and soluble solid contents.10 .

  9. 不同生草处理提高了果实单果重、可溶性固形物、硬度、淀粉和可溶性糖含量。

    Single fruit weight , soluble solids , fruit firmness , starch and sugar content increased in different grass planting treatments .

  10. 但生产中由于果实采收早,大大降低了单果重、可溶性固形物含量,严重影响果实的商品质量。

    But in production because the fruit is harvested early , the weight of the simple fruit and the content of soluble substances was reduced greatly ; the fruit quality is influenced seriously .

  11. 分析了茄子果实生长发育过程中鲜重变化及可溶性固形物、蛋白质、氨基酸、茄红素、Vc的含量变化,并对门茄和对茄商品成熟果实的营养成分进行了分析比较。

    The fresh weights and soluble solids , protein and amino acid and lycopene , vitamin C contents of eggplant fruits at different developmental stages were measured .

  12. 台湾软枝杨桃平均果重210g,可溶性固形物8.5%、总酸0.04%,平均种子数10个,周年开花结果,品质优异,市场批发价6 ̄8元/kg,效益好。

    It 's average weight is 210 g , total soluble solids are 8.5 % , total acids are 0.04 % , average seeds are 10 . The fruits all year round is with excellent quality and the price of 6 ~ 8yuan / kg .

  13. m-2.s-1以下弱光处理均显著降低了樱桃坐果率、单果重、果实可溶性固形物含量和果皮花青苷含量。

    The following results were obtained : the limbs shading had reduced fruit set , fruit weight , SSC and anthocyanin content in fruit compared fruit on unshaded shoots ;

  14. 依据亲子回归方程、性状的正态分布,建立了山葡萄种内杂交果穗重、果粒重、浆果可溶性固形物含量3个数量性状的模拟育种模型。

    Their simulated breeding model are established too by three characters regression equation and normal distribution .