
  • 网络Punch Quest;Gun Metal;The Mark
  1. 今年对微软公司(Microsoft)来说是重拳出击之年。

    This is a big year for Microsoft .

  2. 预计,不久新加坡也将重拳出击。

    Singapore is expected to fire its hefty fiscal ammunition soon .

  3. 在扩大投资方面,我们必须快速反应,重拳出击。

    In expanding investment , we must be fast and heavy-handed .

  4. 木兰拳教学探讨重拳出击实至名归

    The Discussion of Teaching Mulan Boxing THE HEAVY FIST LAUNCHES AN ATTACK HARVESTS

  5. 原则是重拳出击的轻量级思想。

    Principles are lightweight ideas that pack a punch .

  6. 2002年,辉腾登陆美国市场(重拳出击)。

    The Phaeton landed in America ( with an almighty thud ) in2002 .

  7. 股票市场的泡沫破裂之后,华尔街的监管者迅速重拳出击进行治理。

    The hammer came down quickly on Wall Street after the stock-market bubble burst .

  8. 重拳出击实至名归重根特征灵敏度分析

    The heavy fist launches an attack harvests eigen ─ sensitivity analysis with repeated eigenvalues

  9. 推广活动重拳出击(这当然是废话)

    There will be major promotion ( duh )

  10. 但如果政府同时也重拳出击造市交易,这一比例将跃升至52%。

    But if the government clamps down hard on market making as well , that number jumps to52 % .

  11. 企图瞒天过海的黑烟丝厂,终于在警方的重拳出击下现出了原形。

    The black cut tobacco plant that attempts very clever in deceiving others finally attacked to down appear original shape in the police 's heavy boxing .

  12. 但是,道高一尺魔高一丈,在国家的重拳出击下,漏网之鱼的生存也变得更加艰难。

    But , the road is high one feet evil spirit is high one a unit of length , hit out in heavy fist of the country below , of the fish of escape unpunished live to also become more hard .