
  • 网络Palace of Desire;Daming Palace
  1. 《大明宫词》剧本的叙事学分析

    The Narrative Analyses of the Drama " Da Ming Gong Ci "

  2. 人性在权欲中的异化与权力中人性的无奈&电视剧《武则天》与《大明宫词》中武则天形象之比较

    The Alienation of Human Nature in the Desire of Power and the Helplessness of Human Nature in Power & A Comparison of Wu Ze Tian 's Image in TV Plays Wu Ze Tian and Da Ming Gong Ci

  3. 虽然,她的电影作品多为人熟知,但她也曾成功塑造过一些经典的电视剧角色,比如《射雕英雄传》中的黄蓉,《大明宫词》中的小太平。

    Although she 's mostly known for making movies , Zhou has portrayed a couple of classic TV characters , such as Huang Rong in Legend of the Condor Heroes and the young Princess Taiping in Palace of Desire .

  4. 文中所要谈到的李少红的三部电视剧作品:《雷雨》、《橘子红了》和《大明宫词》,无疑都是广大电视观众耳熟能详的作品。

    This article will focus on three TV dramas directed by Li Shaohong : " Lei Yu ", " Ju Zi Hong Le " and " Da Ming Gong Ci ", the majority of viewers are no doubt familiar with these works .

  5. 从辛弃疾罢官归隐后的词作看辛弃疾的爱国情怀和词风变化太平的爱漂向何方&论《大明宫词》女性主体的爱情观

    Xin Qiji s Patriotic Feelings and the Changes of His Poems Style after His Living in Seclusion ; Where Should the Love of Tai Ping Princess Drift & On Women of the Vain Views on Love in " Da Ming Gong Ci "