
  • 网络big club
  1. 切尔西是一家大俱乐部,所以球员都训练有素。

    Chelsea are a big club so the players are very well treated .

  2. 还有什么别的促使拉齐奥成为一支大俱乐部吗?

    What other thing makes Lazio big club ?

  3. 问:但仍然有很多大俱乐部比如米兰皇马之类?

    Q : but there are bigger clubs ? Milan , madrid ?

  4. 大俱乐部把所有最佳选手都抽调走了。

    The big clubs siphon off all the best players .

  5. 你们的俱乐部并不是一个大俱乐部。

    You are not a big investment club .

  6. 因为很多大俱乐部都有许多球员为国效力,他们也会遭遇同样的伤病困扰。

    Almost every big club with a lot of international players has similar problems .

  7. 最好的队员都投奔大俱乐部去了,就只给我们剩下些不中用的人。

    The best player go off to the big club , leave us the dross .

  8. 他是一名伟大的球员,我想所有的大俱乐部都会对他感兴趣。

    He is a great player and I expect all the big clubs will be interested .

  9. 规模小一点的俱乐部也为大俱乐部在比赛现场得到电台的“声援”而紧张。

    Smaller clubs were also wary of the extra promotion that the larger clubs received on air .

  10. “被与这些大俱乐部联系在一起是十分令人高兴和鼓舞的。”

    " It is flattering and inspiring to be mentioned in connection with such big clubs . "

  11. 我们是一家大俱乐部,我确信我们下赛季将王者归来。

    We 're a massive club and I 'm sure we 'll get back into the Champions League .

  12. 亚特兰大后卫里瓦尔塔本赛季的表现已经引起了多家意甲大俱乐部的兴趣。

    The form of Atalanta defender Claudio Rivalta this season has attracted the interest of bigger Serie A clubs .

  13. 酋长杯在球迷面前踢球的感觉很好,而且能与一些大俱乐部交手。

    The Emirates Cup was nice because it is in front of the fans and always against some great clubs .

  14. “这种事在世界各个大俱乐部都一样,这个赛季也不例外”。

    That is the case at all the big clubs in the world and this season is no different for us .

  15. 每当你走上球场,你只想取胜,特别是当你为利物浦这样的大俱乐部效力时。

    Every time you walk on to the pitch , especially at a big club like Liverpool , you want to win .

  16. 但咨询顾问们表示,各大俱乐部已准备好迎接一个困难的夏季,因为届时个人和公司将决定是否续签会员资格。

    But the consultants say clubs are braced for a difficult summer , when individuals and companies decide whether to renew membership .

  17. 研究结果显示:全国及三大俱乐部的对外直接投资整体上表现出了总体收敛、局部分散的动态演变规律。

    The results showed OFDI in China and three big clubs presented the dynamic evolution laws of general convergence and local scattered .

  18. 为了证明这一点,他被带到一个大俱乐部(在悉尼),迎接他的是电子音乐。

    To prove it , he was taken to a massive club in Sydney and was greeted by a blast of hard-core electronic music .

  19. 像切尔西这样的一家大俱乐部几乎每年都需要赢得一些冠军,所有人都知道本赛季的情况是怎样的。

    A big club like Chelsea needs to win some titles almost every year and everyone knows how the situation has been this season .

  20. 玛姬:但是在这种网上,你只能发送信息给和你联网的人,就像一个大俱乐部。

    Maggie : But on the intranet you can only send messages to people who share your same network . It 's like a big club .

  21. 他说有可能会离开诺坎普,但他的下一站目的地也将会是一个大俱乐部。

    He also spoke about possible destinations should he pack his bags at the camp nou , insisting that it would be just as big a team .

  22. 波尔图是一个大俱乐部,但任何球员在他生命中任何时候都会希望成为切尔西或巴萨一员。

    " Porto is a great club , but any player would desire to be at Chelsea or Barca at anytime of his life ," he added .

  23. 不过钱不是一切,皇马,巴塞罗那,国际米兰,尤文图斯,巴伦西亚等许多大俱乐部都对我很感兴趣。

    But money isn 't everything . Real , Barcelona , Inter , Milan , Juventus , Valencia and practically all the big clubs were also interested .

  24. 他说道:“我从小时候就是皇马的球迷,不过我也喜欢像米兰以及曼联这样的大俱乐部。”

    He said : " I have been a Real Madrid fan since a kid , but I also like great clubs such as Milan and United . "

  25. 是的,一些大俱乐部,但是我说过我只想加盟利物浦。我希望成为利物浦的一员。

    Yes , some big clubs , but as I said I wanted to sign forLiverpool . I 'm looking to the future now as a Liverpool player .

  26. 大俱乐部一直力争在对足球颇为狂热的中国恢复免费播放的模式,这可能使自己的比赛吸引到上亿观众。

    The larger clubs have pushed for a return to a free-to-air model in football-mad China , which potentially gives their games exposure to hundreds of millions of viewers .

  27. 莱斯利:而且当你进入了甲级,你是在和曼彻斯特联队、利物浦队竞争那些大俱乐部,你知道那是非常困难的。

    Leslie and when you get into the first division , you 're competing with the Manchester Uniteds and the liverpools-the big clubs , you know-and it 's very difficult .

  28. “鲍尔森对于欧洲很多大俱乐部来说都是笔不错的签约,我相信他会非常适应利物浦,”阿格在面对《回声报》时表示。

    " Christian would be a perfect addition to most of the big clubs in Europe , so he will certainly fit in here ," Agger told the Liverpool Echo .

  29. 但是在这样一个大俱乐部你要明白自己会时不时地进不了名单,你需要确定的是当你被选上的时候就要做好准备。

    But at a club this size you know you 'll be out of the team every now and again and you just have to make sure you 're ready when selected .

  30. “尤文图斯是其中之一,但他们不是唯一看上这个年青人的俱乐部,因为马杜罗是许多意大利大俱乐部的一个目标。”

    " Juventus are one of these , but they 're not the only one to ask for information on the boy because Maduro is a target for italy 's biggest clubs . "