
  • 网络Forward Runs;go forward;REACTION;Insert Before
  1. 确定让你的组织核心进行大量的前插。

    Make sure your Playmaker makes lots of forward runs .

  2. 关于剃前插齿刀设计模型的修正

    Revision for the Model of the Design about the First Machine Gear Shaping Cutters

  3. 我会养成在夜晚睡觉前插好门拴的习惯。

    I 'd get into the habit of bolting my door when I went to bed at night .

  4. 边路总有接应,边锋和边后卫不断前插,创造机会。

    Width is always an option , with both wingers and full backs constantly getting forward and supporting attacks .

  5. 假如只在中场放两个人,当小法前插的时候,全队就暴露了。

    If you only play with two in midfield and he left that area , Arsenal would be more exposed .

  6. VC++编程计算剃前插齿刀倒棱渐开线的分度圆压力角

    Plan for pretty teeth VC + + Program of Calculating Pressure Angle on Chamfering Involute 's Graduated Circle of Preshaving Pinion Cutter

  7. 球员在场上只会进行前插,从而使得游戏中的足球看起来动力十足,这并不是默认的。

    Players will only make FWRs when they are on , not by default , which adds much dynamism to the football .

  8. 显然卢卡斯更多是个防守型中场,他在上一场我们一起参加的比赛里,他想要前插,而让我留守。

    Obviously Lucas is more of a defensive midfielder but he wanted to drive forward and let me sit in the last game we played .

  9. 就如同向后的跑位吧,一个低前插和低心态的中场队员,当球队不在控球的时候会进入防守状态。

    As for backwards runs , an MC with no FWRs and a lowish mentality will drop into the defensive hole when the team loses possession .

  10. 四倍体刺槐硬枝和嫩枝扦插前插穗内无潜伏根原基,扦插后在切口愈伤组织中诱导产生根原基,不定根从愈伤组织伸出。

    There is no root primordial on hardwood and softwood cuttings of tetraploid locust before planting . Root primordial was produced from callus after planting which then initiated the adventitious roots formation . 6 .

  11. 在巴西赢取世界杯的过程中,他们能安心的高速前插参与进攻是因为不仅有三中卫还有两防守型后腰一块保护后防。

    Whilst speeding forward to join the attack in that tournament , which Brazil won , they had not just the comfort of three centre-backs to keep things tight at the back , but also two holding midfielders .

  12. 2n+1阶Gauss前向插指

    Gauss Forward Interpolation in Power Exponent Form

  13. 详细地探讨了复合材料前躯体插层苯胺-钠基蒙脱土的制备过程,并采用XRD、SEM和电化学方法对复合材料的形貌结构和性能进行了表征。

    Preparation process of aniline-Na + - montmorillonite precursor was discussed in detail . XRD , SEM and electrochemical method were used to characterize the composite .

  14. 扦插前,插穗体内IAAO活性对生根率的影响最大,PPO次之,POD影响最小。

    Before planting , IAAO activity had the greatest influence on rooting percentage , the second was PPO activity and POD activity was the smallest .

  15. 正前角插齿刀刃形误差分析及修正计算

    Edge Shape Error Analysis and Modification Calculation of the Positive rake angle slotting tool

  16. 正前角插齿刀齿形角修正的新方法

    New method for correcting profile angle of gear & shaped cutter with positive orthogonal rake

  17. 他的五指冰凉,仿佛上课前一直插在雪堆里似的。

    His fingers were ice-cold , like he 'd been holding them in a snowdrift before class .

  18. 扦插造林前对插穗用保水生根杀虫剂处理,造林成活率可达85%左右;

    The cutting should be treated with pesticide and water conservation for striking root before cuttage , the survival rate of the forestation reaches about 85 % .

  19. 这种误差影响了齿形精度,特别是负前角插齿刀,现行的设计方法不能满足齿形精度。

    This error has influenced the precision of gear , especially , when negative rake angle of gear-shaped cutter is used , the current design method has not reguired the profile precision .

  20. 双圆锥前刀面插齿刀的设计

    A Design of Double Conic Top Face Gear Shaper Cutter

  21. 在混凝土凝土凝固前必须先插上钢筋。

    We should first sink in the steel wire before the concrete sets .

  22. 巨块型宫颈癌术前组织间插植放疗的疗效观察

    The Efficacy of Interstitial Implant Brachytherapy in Preoperative Management of Bulky Cervical Carcinoma

  23. 结论注射麻醉前用药15min后插胃管,可明显减轻病人痛苦反应,提高插胃管的一次成功率,对临床护理工作有积极意义。

    The exploration for the patient 's reactions by different time of preoperative nasogastric intubation Conclusion Nasogastric intubation at 15 minutes after injection of anesthetic can reduce the pain and increase the successful rate of intubation by single intubation , and has the potential to substitute routine intubation .

  24. 句子:事实上,他在五个星期前就把勺子插到墙上去.

    Actually he stuck his spoon in the wall five weeks ago . close one 's eyes

  25. 中国政府的新策略似乎是在普及纯电动汽车前,先把插电式混合动力汽车作为一项中间过渡技术进行推广。

    The Chinese government 's new strategy appears to be to promote plug-in hybrids as an interim technology before fully electric cars kick in .

  26. 阵亡将士纪念日前夕,在弗吉尼亚州,美国第三步兵团在美国阿灵顿国家公墓的墓碑前插上一根根国旗。

    And in Virginia , the third U.S. Infantry placed flags at the grave markers of those buried in Arlington National Cemetery ahead of Memorial Day .