
qián máo
  • vanguard;patrol
前茅 [qián máo]
  • [patrol] 即先头部队。古代行军时,前哨斥侯以茅为旌,如遇敌人或敌情有变化,举旌以通知后军

  • 前茅虑无。--《左传.宣公十二年》

前茅[qián máo]
  1. 据英国媒体报道,一家名为AchieveEducation的中国公司最近收购了位于英格兰中部斯塔福德郡的切斯文法学校(ChaseGrammarSchool),该学校创立于1879年,多年来一直坚持传统的英式教育,在英国私立学校排名中名联前茅。

    It has been reported that Chase Grammar School , one of Britain 's top 100 private schools , was recently bought by Achieve Education , a Chinese-owned company .

  2. 法属圭亚那是法国的一个海外省,拥有800多万hm2热带森林资源,人均森林面积居世界前茅。

    Abstract French Guyana is an overseas province of France , with more than 800 hm 2 tropical forest resources , and the forest cover is over 90 % .

  3. 从1986年的进出口总值129291亿元到2007年的17685633亿元,尤其是进入WTO以来,进出口总额连年递增,年均增长幅度位列全国前茅。

    From 1986 to 2007 , the total number of import and export increased from 129291 billion yuan to 17685633 billion yuan , especially since entering the WTO , the import and export volume has increased year after year , the average annual growth rate ranks the whole country .

  4. 经坝体钻孔取心和压水检查,碾压混凝土各项质量指标均满足设计和规范要求,并取出了长度10.57m,居国内前茅的长心样,质量控制成果显著。

    The core-bored sample and water pressure check on the dam body showed that various quality indexes of RCC meet the requirements of design and specifications .

  5. 因性聪敏而又勤学,每试必列前茅。

    Sexual Congmin but Diligence , each test must be out forefront .

  6. 假如他以前用功些,他会在班里(绩)列前茅的。

    If he had tried harder , he could have topped his class .

  7. 谷歌在创新公司排名中位列前茅的原因也显而易见。

    It is also easy to see why Google rates so highly as an innovator .

  8. 美国也名列受气候变化打击的国家的前茅,因为它人口多、财富大。

    The United States is also ranked highly because of its large population and wealth .

  9. 我省有38家“中华老字号”企业,名列全国前茅。

    There are38 " Chinese Old Brand " enterprises in our province , ranking first in China .

  10. 医药集团规模效益名列全国前茅。

    The scale and the beneficial result of the medicine group have listed number one in Chine .

  11. 那里的人均财富和产出都是居于世界前茅。

    There is more wealth and productivity per person in the world today , than ever in history .

  12. 这正是教授在所有职业中的工作满意度位列前茅的原因。

    It is for this reason that professors report among the highest rates of job satisfaction of all professions .

  13. 美国制造业的生产率仍然位居世界前茅,但薪资水平却并非如此。

    US manufacturing productivity remains among the highest in the world , yet , US manufacturing wages are not .

  14. 在历次山花奖和西湖博览会上获奖数均居全省前茅。

    Mountain flowers in the previous award and award-winning West Lake Expo a few ranking highest in the province .

  15. 该课程在香港位列前茅,全球排名第三。

    It is the highest ranked of all the Hong Kong programmes , at number three in the world .

  16. 诺贝丽斯在将铝合金用于车身部件方面位居世界前茅,随时可提供高质量产品。

    As a global leader in aluminum solution provider for automotive applications , Novelis stand ready to offer its quality product .

  17. 这几个网站正是凭借自身强大的搜索能力而始终处于全球网站点击量排名的前茅。

    These sites is by virtue of its powerful global search ability is always in the forefront of website traffic ranking .

  18. 企业产品品种、规格、质量均列国内同行前茅。

    The amount of categories , specifications and quality are among one of the best companies of the industry in the country .

  19. 成都恒瑞拥有全国同类抗感染药品销售额排名前茅的一类新药莱迪胶囊。

    Chengdu Henry has a similar anti-infective products sales nationwide rankings come out on top of a class of drugs Laidi capsule .

  20. 有一类国家,只要能够恢复高速经济增长率,即可大规模消除贫困,印度在其中位列前茅。

    India ranks high among nations where restoring a high rate of economic growth can make a big difference to reducing poverty .

  21. 中国已经成为橡胶工业大国,不少产品名列世界前茅,橡胶工业已是占全国GDP1%的制造业。

    China is becoming a big country of rubber industry , many of the products have stood first places in the world .

  22. 以最近期数字比较,本港按人口平均计算的本地生产总值在亚洲位列前茅,仅次于日本。

    The latest comparison showed that per capita GDP in Hong Kong was amongst the highest in Asia , next only to Japan .

  23. 运动迷们都知道南加利福尼亚大学的体育运动名利前茅,但是学生们表示,他们选择这所大学是因为这里强大的学术项目。

    Sports fans know the University of Southern California for its athletics , but students say they come for the strong academic programs .

  24. 经过近三十年的发展,从一个小的修理所,发展成为华南地区位列前茅的企业。

    After developed for nearly thirty years , S was developed from a small amendment institute to a leading company in south China region .

  25. 中国位居世界前茅、或正加入国际联盟的领域不断增多。

    The list of fields in which China tops the world rankings or is leaping up the League of nations goes on and on .

  26. 中国如今是世界第二大经济体,然而,中国某些省份本身就已位列世界前茅。

    China is now the world 's second-biggest economy , but some of its provinces by themselves would rank fairly high in the global league .

  27. 该报道还指出经济更加发达的地区会有更多的网红,北京、上海、广东、江苏和浙江都位列前茅。

    The report also showed regions with a better-developed economy produce more cyberstars , with Beijing , Shanghai , Guangdong , Jiangsu and Zhejiang leading the rankings .

  28. 世界各大奢侈品厂商纷纷瞄准中国市场,各种与奢侈相关的会展也移师中国举办,中国的奢侈消费规模一跃名列世界前茅。

    International luxury brands collimate Chinese market , luxury-related expositions turn to be China-hosted , and the scale of luxury consumption of China bounded into worldly tops .

  29. 同时,这位匿名工作人员也表示今年“快女”的收视排名“仍名列同类电视节目的前茅”。

    The anonymous staff member also said that the ratings for the contest this year " kept being higher than other TV programs of its kind " .

  30. 就在福特打算向中国市场推出林肯的时候,其它豪车生产商也正在扩大在华生产规模,开发这个不久前增速一直在全球位列前茅的市场。

    Ford 's planned debut comes as luxury-auto makers are ramping up local production to tap a market that until recently has been among the world 's fastest-growing .