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  1. 这种明显的地域互补分布表明了北方汉语方言前高元音前面的舌根声母转变为舌面音的力量来自于外部的人文影响,而非内部语言音变。

    The salient district complementary distribution indicates that the force of the sound change from velar plosive initial before a high front vowel in the northern dialects to a alveolar affricate comes from outside influence rather than internal change .

  2. 丽江7级地震前高b值演化过程和孕震模式

    Evolution process of high b value and seismogenic mode before the Lijiang M7 earthquake

  3. 《西儒耳目资》中的u次为舌尖前高无音说质疑

    Query the version that " u ci " in Xi ru er Mu Zi is dental high vowel

  4. 结果①CT测量结果:正常腰骶椎椎间隙前高大于后高,两者之间存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    Results ① Measurements on CT scans : The anterior intervertebral heights of normal lumbosacral spine were higher than the posterior , and there were significant differences between them ( P ﹤ 0.05 ) .

  5. 此前的局势已经削弱了德国的出口导向型经济:德国第一季度GDP只比4年前高出1%。

    What has already happened has weakened its export-dependent economy : German GDP was only 1 per cent higher in the first quarter of 2012 than four years earlier .

  6. 综合两次优化的最优条件,亚硝酸还原酶的酶浓度为达到2139.2U/mL,比优化前高出58.06%,比一次优化后高出17.59%。

    On the base of twice optimization , nitrite reductase enzyme concentration reached 2139.2 U / mL , which was 58.06 % higher than before , 17.59 % higher than the first optimization .

  7. 干扰素治疗组中,女性、治疗前高ALT水平、HBV-DNA≤106copies/ml的患者疗效更好;

    In α - 1b treatment group , better therapeutic effect revealed in females and those with higher ALT level and HBV-DNA ≤ 106 copies / ml before treatment .

  8. L4、L5的前高大于后高。

    The anterior heights of L4 , L5 are larger than the post , e posterior heights .

  9. 结论:IL2和IFNγ水平变化与应答状况有一定的相关性,治疗前高水平IL2、IFNγ及治疗后患者血清中IL2和IFNγ上升水平较高者,应答效果就好。

    In those patients with high level of IL - 2 and IFN - γ before and after treatment , the treatment effect could be observed .

  10. 用释放的地震应变能ε(t)的空间分布特点分析,表明主震前高QC值地区与高应变能释放地区是相一致的。

    It is shown from analysis of space distribution of released seismic strain energy ε( t ) that the regions with high Q C value are the regions with high strain release .

  11. 结果A、B组术后胆汁淀粉酶明显比术前高(P>0.01);

    The results were ; It was observed in groups A and B that the amylase concentration in bile after operation were significantly higher than that before operation ( P < 0 . 001 ), there was no obvious difference in group C ( P > 0 . 05 ) .

  12. 周三早间,路透社(Reuters)编纂的数据和中国国家统计局(NationalBureauofStatistics)的信息均显示,11月新房价格比一年前高出9.9%,而10月份的同比增幅为9.6%。

    New homes cost 9.9 per cent more in November then they did a year earlier . This followed a 9.6 per cent annual gain in October , data compiled by Reuters and taken from China 's National Bureau of Statistics showed early on Wednesday .

  13. IAC的股价从2004年最高80美元的价位跌至目前的不到20元,还是比迪勒先生主持工作前高些。

    Having peaked at over $ 80 in2004 , IAC shares now trade below $ 20 , though that is still higher than when Mr Diller took charge .

  14. 结果表明,赛前一天,大脑中枢递质5HT、Ach和DA出现了特殊的空间构型,具体表现为5HT的右脑优势;Ach的前高后低走向和DA的左脑优势。

    The result showed that the DA , Ach and 5-HT presented specific temporal-spatial structure one day pre-competition , which was left brain-domain pattern in DA , anterior-domain pattern in Ach and right brain-domain in 5HT .

  15. 目的探讨巨块型宫颈癌根治术前高剂量率腔内近距离放疗(ICBT)的治疗效果。

    Objective To investigate the efficacy of high-dose-rate of intracavitary brachytherapy ( ICBT ) followed by surgery in the bulky cervical cancer .

  16. 结果:体外循环开始后红细胞C3b受体花环率明显升高,30min时达到高峰,以后逐渐降低,但仍较转流前高,红细胞免疫复合物花环率无明显变化;

    The results showed that ratio of erythrocyte C 3b receptor rosettes was markedly increased at the outset of CPB and reached peak level at 30 minutes , and then began to reduce regularly ( but is still higher than that of pre-CPB ) .

  17. 但是北京的物价也比几年前高了。

    But Beijing is more expensive than a few years ago .

  18. 陆前高田市是一个以捕鲸业为主的小镇,这里曾经居住着23000名居民。

    Rikuzentakata , a former whaling town , once held 23000 people .

  19. 即便在周二的暴跌之后,苹果的股价也仍比两年前高了一倍。

    The stock has doubled since then even after Tuesday 's sell-off .

  20. 大赛前高水平运动员心理压力的成因研究

    Study of Contributing Factors of Top-notch Athletes ' Psychological Pressure before Major Competitions

  21. 这些就是陆前高田市仅存的残骸。

    That is all that physically remains of Rikuzentakata .

  22. 在中国和法国,有一个圆形前高元音。

    In Chinese and French , there is a front high rounded vowel .

  23. 房间隔缺损患者介入封堵术后血栓前高凝血状态的研究

    Study of hypercoagulative state in patients after catheter closure of atrial septal defect

  24. 一望无际的卡车和挖掘机行列,在陆前高田市的废墟中来回行驶。

    An endless fleet of trucks and excavators rolls through what remains of Rikuzentakata .

  25. 但现在的房地产价格和股价比28年前高不了多少。

    But real estate and stock prices are barely higher today than 28 years ago .

  26. 巨块型宫颈癌术前高剂量率腔内放疗近期疗效分析

    The study on the efficacy of high-dose-rate intracavitary brachytherapy prior to surgery on bulky cervical cancer

  27. 经多元线性回归分析,椎间孔高度与椎间盘后高、前高呈线性相关。

    The foraminal heights had multiple linear correlations with the posterior and the anterior disc heights .

  28. 全髋关节置换术前高容性血液稀释对术中血压的影响及护理

    Effect of preoperative hypervolemic hemodilution on intraoperative blood pressure in total hip replacement and nursing care

  29. 口腔粘膜鳞状细胞癌术前高剂量诱导化疗后手术时机的选择

    Selection of the optimal operating time of oral mucosa squamous carcinoma after preoperative high dose induced chemotherapy

  30. 截至七月,仅在日本境内,我们就设立了多处分支,有的在就近的陆前高田市,

    Within Japan , by July , we 'd branched out to the neighboring town of Rikuzentakata ,