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  1. 本文试图对我国中小学科研兴校现象作出理论上的解释,提出科研兴校作为教师管理策略的基本原理是:实现教师转型与学校教育改善的同期五动。

    The paper points out the basic principle of Sciential Study Promoting Schools which means the interaction of teachers ' transformation and school education 's promotion .

  2. 谢谢。我星期五上午动手术。

    Thank you . I 'll BE operated on Friday morning .

  3. 最后,文章依据这五大动因为我国的民营企业出谋划策,对其发展提出了一些政策建议。

    In the end of the article , the author advises Chinese private enterprises to learn the successful habits and to create for improving themselves .

  4. 同时存在五种摄动的系统敏感性分析

    Sensitivity analysis of systems with five types of structured uncertainty

  5. 星期五早上升动了洗衣机。

    On Friday morning the washer ran .

  6. 第五章完善不动产物权登记机关赔偿制度的有关建议。

    Chapter V : Some advises to improve real property registration office compensation system .

  7. 今年已经是五周年了“动起来”运动意义很深远的一项运动

    This is the 5th Anniversary of ... The " Let 's Move " Campaign.Which is so important .

  8. 前者是常规情况,后者是非常规情况,本文主要探讨常规情况下的焦点结构。第五章分析重动句的预设。

    The former is unmarked , and the latter is marked . The paper mainly discusses the unmarked focus structure . Chapter ⅴ is about the presupposition of verb-copying sentence .

  9. 上周五,在北京市中心京泰大厦五层人头攒动、通风不良的证券公司营业厅中,短线炒家几乎没有显示出任何神经紧张的迹象。

    There were few signs of frayed nerves among the day traders crowded into the small , airless brokerage on the fifth floor of Jingtai Towers in central Beijing on Friday .

  10. 我在手术室里待了五个小时,动了三个手术,但我不觉得自己经历了什么大手术,而且我在五天之内就住回了公寓。

    I was in theatre five hours and I 'd had three operations , but I didn 't feel like I 'd had major surgery and was back in the apartment within five days .

  11. 第五章讲述气动计算模块,弹道计算模块以及可视化仿真模块的程序设计,并对某空空导弹的飞行过程进行了可视化仿真。

    This thesis introduces the design of aero-dynamic calculation module , trajectory calculation module , and the visualization simulation module . At the last a example of visualization simulation of a kind of air-to-air missile was given .

  12. 对于滚转稳定回路,采用三位置继电控制舵,通过继电放大器、三位五通阀和气动放大器来控制舵面的偏转,以此来实现滚转稳定。

    For the tumbling loop , the servo actuator adopts three-position relay control fashion to make the loop be stable by using the relay control circuit , the three-position and five-passage valve and the gas amplification device .

  13. 在分析五阶方程各模态特性的基础上,通过特征多项式根与系数的关系,证明了四阶方程动稳定不能确保五阶方程一定动稳定;

    Based on discussion of the characteristics of each mode in the fifth order equation , by the relation between the roots and coefficients of the polynomials , this paper demonstrated that the dynamic stability deduced from the fourth order equation can not ensure that of the fifth order equation .