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  1. 依据现有地震发生概率模型合理性与局限性以及地震估计的基本思想提出五类非齐次复合Poisson地震发生概率模型,阐述各模型的基本特点及可能实用的前提。

    In accordance with the advantages and disadvantages of the existed probabilistic models for earthquake occurrence and the fundamental principle of earthquake estimation , five types of inhomogeneous compound Poisson probabilistic models for earthquake occurrence are developed . The essential characteristics and possibly applied hypothesis of these models are explained .

  2. 第五,多管齐下,创建多样化的道德教育形式。摆脱单纯的说教形式,寓德育于各种形式多样的活动中。

    Fifth , a flexible moral education form can be created to avoid preach talking by applying moral education to various activites .

  3. 开发和利用高职护理学生积极学习时间的有效策略(二-五)&多管齐下

    Effective strategies for development and utilization of active learning time for vocational nursing students