
  1. 亚伦子孙中,献平安祭牲血和脂油的,要得这右腿为分。

    The son of Aaron who offers the blood and the fat of the fellowship offering shall have the right thigh as his share .

  2. 福音中耶稣问司祭长和民间长老,怎样处置家主悉心照顾,但没有结出相称果实的葡萄园。

    In the Gospel Jesus asks the leaders to comment on the failure of the vineyard to produce fruit worthy of the care lavished on it .

  3. 礼仪文书是人们在社会交往中用于喜庆、祭悼以及其他重要社交场合,表示一定的礼节、仪式的一种应用文体。

    Etiquette documents is an application style used in social contacts for joy , offering sites and other important social occasions , which stands for etiquette and ceremony .

  4. 王安石祭欧文的辞彩超越了自我重礼教治政的文学观,在叙事抒情中与欧阳修《祭尹师鲁文》相类;

    The ornate diction of Wang Anshi 's proses of condolence to Ouyang Xiu had surpassed his literary view of emphasizing the importance of governing the country with ethics .

  5. 从平安祭中,将火祭献给耶和华,也要把盖脏的脂油和脏上所有的脂油

    From the fellowship offering he is to bring a sacrifice made to the Lord by fire : all the fat that covers the inner parts or is connected to them

  6. 到国外才知道,中国的食品绝大部分只有在华人超市里见到,是以华人为销售对象的,西方人除了偶尔到中餐馆打打牙祭,平时几乎不买中国食品。

    In fact , the vast majority of these food only are in the Chinese supermarket which are mainly sold to the Chinese . Instead , foreigners buy those occasionally .

  7. 凡从牛群或是羊群中,将平安祭献给耶和华,为要还特许的愿,或是作甘心献的,所献的必纯全无残疾的,才蒙悦纳。

    When anyone brings from the herd or flock a fellowship offering to the Lord to fulfill a special vow or as a freewill offering , it must be without defect or blemish to be acceptable .