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  • 网络Ethyl Palmitate;hexadecanoic acid ethyl ester
  1. 从青梅浸泡酒中鉴定出48种挥发性化合物,其中以棕榈酸乙酯(14.493%)、亚油酸乙酯(11.652%)、油酸乙酯(9.244%)等高级脂肪酸酯、苯甲醛(10.870%)等成分为主。

    48 kinds of volatile compounds were determined from steeping wine mainly including ethyl palmitate ( 14.493 % ), ethyl linoleate ( 11.652 % ), ethyl oleate ( 9.244 % ), and benzaldehyde ( 10.870 % ) etc.

  2. 白色絮状沉淀主要由3种高级脂肪酸乙酯,即油酸乙酯、棕榈酸乙酯、亚油酸乙酯和杂醇油的溶解条件变化而引起;棕黄色沉淀主要是由铁离子形成的棕色沉淀物质;

    , white floc ( induced by the change of dissolution conditions of ethyl oleate , ethyl palmitate , ethyl linoleate and fusel oil ), brown yellow precipitate ( induced by iron ion ), and greasy substances ( produced by aroma-producing substances in liquor ) .

  3. 该工艺主要包括脂肪酸酯&棕榈酸乙酯的合成以及酯交换法合成蔗糖聚酯两个主要过程。

    This technology is consist of two main process : ( 1 ) the synthesis of palmitic acid ethyl ester ;

  4. 研究了L-抗坏血酸与棕榈酸乙酯的摩尔比、催化剂浓度、反应温度、反应时间等工艺条件对产率的影响。

    The influence of productivity by the mol ratio of ascorbic acid to palmitate ethylester , consistence of catalyst , reaction temperature , reaction time , etc. are studied .

  5. 其中2,4-癸二烯醛、棕榈酸甲酯、棕榈酸乙酯为首次从酸枣仁油中发现;

    Among those , 2,4-Decadienal , Hexadecanoic acid ethyl ester and Hexadecanoic acid methyl ester were found from the oil in Ziziphus jujuba Mill .