
  • 网络Pale Beers
  1. 泡沫丰富的浅色啤酒。

    Very effervescent light-colored beer .

  2. 以改善浅色啤酒质量、降低生产成本、提高经济效益为目的,提出了一种新颖的浅色啤酒的酿造方法。

    A new method of light beer brewing was proposed in order to improve the quality of light beer and decrease material cost of brewing for better economical profits .

  3. 拉个木凳到吧台,点一杯Occhipinti西西里红葡萄酒或BirradelBorgo印度浅色麦芽啤酒(IPA)。

    Pull a wooden stool up to the bar and order a glass of Sicilian red from Occhipinti or an IPA from Birra del Borgo .

  4. 姜汁浅色无甜味的啤酒暗琥珀色品种的甜酒。

    Pale - dry ginger ale . sweet dark amber variety .