
  1. 终于有一天,他那双浅蓝色眼睛已能认出周围的人来,看得见卡琳坐在他身旁捻着念珠祈祷,早晨的阳光照着她的金黄头发。

    The day came when his pale blue eyes , perfectly cognizant of his surroundings , fell upon Carreen sitting beside him , telling her rosary beads , the morning sun shining through her fair hair .

  2. 他用他那浅蓝色的眼睛看着她。

    He looked at her with his pale blue eyes .

  3. 那女人浅蓝色的大眼睛充满了泪水,叽里咕噜地讲开了故事。

    The woman 's large eyes , a weak blue , filled with tears , and her story came in a phlegmy rush .