
qiǎn hū xī
  • breath shallow
  • shallow breathing
  1. 快而浅呼吸时呼气末正压通气的作用。

    The effect of positive end-expiratory pressure on the rapid shallow breathing index .

  2. 然而,人类已习惯于浅呼吸;

    However humans are used to shallow breathing ;

  3. 他现在已经浅呼吸了好几个小时了。

    He 's been breathing shallowly for several hours now .

  4. 束腰带来的浅呼吸会使人头晕甚至晕过去。

    Shallow breath caused dizziness and fainting .

  5. 运动中邻船互吸现象深呼吸和浅呼吸交替进行的一种异常呼吸现象。

    Attraction between adjacent ships abnormal respiration in which periods of shallow and deep breathing alternate .

  6. APACHEIII评分、浅快呼吸指数(RSBI)和吸气压力(PS)也显著降低。

    APACHE III score , rapid shallow breathing index ( RSBI ) and pressure support ( PS ) level were significantly decreased too .

  7. 提示OSAS患者睡前的呼吸中枢驱动性高于单纯鼾症患者,其呼吸形式为浅快呼吸;

    It is concluded that , before sleep , OSAS patients exhibit a higher respiratory drive and a shallow and frequent breathing pattern as compared with simple snoring patients .

  8. 目的:探讨浅快呼吸指数(RVR)和气道闭合压对机械通气患者撤机的指导意义。

    Objective : To evaluate the significance of rapidshallowbreathing index ( RVR ), and airway occlusion pressure as weaning predictors in mechanically ventilated patients .

  9. 浅快呼吸指数对呼吸机撤离的预测价值

    Respiratory Failure Rapid-Shallow-Breathing index as a weaning parameter in mechanically ventilated patients

  10. 关注你的呼吸-放慢那些快而浅的呼吸

    Conscious of your breath-slowing down fast shallow breathing

  11. 我们认为浅快呼吸对限制性通气障碍更为有利。

    We suggest that fast and shallow breathing seems beneficial to patients with restrictive impairment .

  12. 快而浅的呼吸可以导致跑步抽筋和其它疼痛。

    Rapid and shallow breathing can cause running cramps and an overall state of panic .

  13. 浅快呼吸指数作为老年患者脱离呼吸机指标的评估

    The significance of rapid-shallow-breathing index as a predictor for successfully weaning elderly patients from mechanical ventilator support

  14. 同层动态监测扫描期间,嘱受检者屏气,门脉期扫描期间行浅慢呼吸。

    Subjects were asked breath-hold during the same floor dynamic monitoring scan , and to breathe slowly shallow line during the portal venous phase scan .

  15. 别做那些会显示你内心紧张的小动作:过多的扭动、封闭式的姿势(如双臂抱胸、翘二郎腿、蜷背等)、以及过浅的呼吸。

    Eliminate the telltale signs of nervousness : excessive twitching , closed-off posturing ( crossed arms and legs , hunched shoulders ), and shallow breathing .

  16. 结论:重度肥胖可使肺容量减少、运动中的组织供氧能力及胸壁顺应性、肺顺应性下降,呈现浅快呼吸模式。

    ConcluSion : Lung volumes , the ability of oxygen uptake and chest wall and lung compliance decrease with rapid and shallow breathing Patterns in morbidly obese individuals during exercise .

  17. 犬颈动脉窦内加压对於颌下腺分泌与膀胱及肠运动的影响颈动脉窦加压对清醒或浅麻醉动物呼吸运动的影响

    The effect of carotid sinus pressure stimulation upon the secretion of the submaxillary gland and the motility of the small intestine and urinary bladder carotid sinus respiratory reflex in conscious dogs and in dogs under light pentothal anaesthesia