首页 / 词典 / good


ɡù jiāo
  • old friend;old/close friend
故交 [gù jiāo]
  • [old friends and acquaintances;close friend of many years' standing] 旧友,老朋友,老相识

  • 红颜意气尽,白璧故交轻。--唐. 卢照邻《羁卧山中》

  • 故旧不遗,则民不偷。--《论语.秦伯》(不偷:不薄,厚道)

  1. 我听说你跟胡安娜公主是故交。

    I hear there is an old friendship between you and princess joan .

  2. 大堂特为您与新知故交谈天说地而设。身在喜来登,您心属此。

    With a lobby designed so you can socialize with new friends or old , at Sheraton , you know you Belong .

  3. 我看过弗吉尼亚伍尔夫、艾米莉狄金森、夏洛特勃朗特在不同生活阶段中写给故交的信件。

    I looked at the letters that Viiinia Woolf , Emily Dickinson , and Charlotte Bronte had written to three different life-long friends , over the course of their lives .