
  1. 我们的一些国宝保存在故宫里。

    Some of our national treasures are in the Forbidden City .

  2. 听说故宫里有好多宝物!

    Rumor has it there are many treasures in the Palace Museum !

  3. 我在故宫里摔倒了!

    I fell at the Palace Museum !

  4. 星巴克是故宫里非常受游人欢迎的休息场所,但是却从一开始便招来了不少批评。

    Starbucks was a popular resting spot for palace visitors , but attracted criticism from the start .

  5. 也不是周末,所以,如果故宫里到处都是小朋友们,你也能很容易地越过他们的头参观嘛。

    It 's not a weekend . So , even if it 's swamped with little girls and boys , you 'd have an easy time seeing over their heads .

  6. 故宫博物馆里有很多美丽的宫殿。

    There are a lot of beautiful palaces in the Palace Museum .

  7. 故宫博物馆里有很多文物。

    For example , the Forbidden City Museum has a collection of antiques .

  8. 现在,在北京的中国历史博物馆和故宫博物院里还分别保存着元代和清代的四级漏壶,供人们参观。

    Now , the four-level clepsydras of the Yuan and Qing dynasties are preserved respectively in the Muse-um of Chinese History and the Palace Museum in Beijing .

  9. 2010年开业的有222个房间,提供很好的英语服务,地理位置优越,离故宫、三里屯和天坛都不太远。

    Opened in 2010 , has excellent English-speaking service and is conveniently located a short taxi ride from the Forbidden City , Sanlitun and the Temple of Heaven .

  10. 2010年开业的华彬费尔蒙酒店有222个房间,提供很好的英语服务,地理位置优越,离故宫、三里屯和天坛都不太远。

    The 222-room Fairmont Beijing , opened in 2010 , has excellent English-speaking service and is conveniently located a short taxi ride from the Forbidden City , Sanlitun and the Temple of Heaven .

  11. 嘲风形似兽,北京故宫的太和殿里有这个怪兽。

    The wind takes the form of the beast , the Imperial Palace of Beijing Taihe temple has this monster .

  12. 这种想法在我参加故宫旁的太庙里举行的绚烂如同奥运般的庙会时还不明显。

    It wasn 't so much the glitzy , Olympic-quality party I attended in the Tai Miao Temple , next to the Forbidden City , that made this impression .